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Clairvoyants: genuine or conmen/women?

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I see the usual dismissive trolls are still at work on sheffield forum, ruining rational debate with childish slander, such a shame.. this could be a great site if it wasnt for the bitter and twisted few...


Really? I see very few "childish slander" remarks on this thread so far, it's hardly ruined. Care to list the post numbers which you think are ruining the thread? Or even better, give an opinion or some reason for believing in clairvoyancy yourself?

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I see the usual dismissive trolls are still at work on sheffield forum, ruining rational debate with childish slander, such a shame.. this could be a great site if it wasnt for the bitter and twisted few...


In this particular debate or generally? This debate is ok so far, no slander, just rational opinions as far as I can see. have you been badly bitten by a few people with differing opinions to yours on here then?


That's what forums are all about, differing, and often opposing theories and ideas. I have felt intimidated on here in the past, but now I just choose to use that click thingy which enables me to go to EBay, an amazing device!! :hihi:

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Imagine for a moment that you discover that you do indeed have the ability to talk to dead people. Ask yourself what you would do. Would you ...


1. Put your ability under scientific scrutiny, claim James Randi's $1m prize, improve humanity's understanding of our place in the universe, win a Nobel Prize, become one of the most important people in history? Or ..


2. Sell some tickets at the City Hall?



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If I was dead and I had the chance to speak to a loved one through a medium, my first priority would be to tell them what it was like being dead.


The new choice of paint colour in the lounge would be unimportant.


Why are dead people so concerned with trivia?

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