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Clairvoyants: genuine or conmen/women?

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If you understood mediumship you would understand that most of it whether its clairvoyance (seeing spirit) or clairaudience (hearing spirit) is not about direct communication with the deceased themselves. What they do is put inspirational thoughts into your mind, its is a similar scenario as if i were to give you the word "jumbo jet", there isnt one in view but in you minds eye you can clearly see the wings, fusilage, tail fin, livery etc etc, this is kind of what you see when you are given an image, when you are given words, names, or places etc, the voice you hear is your own, the same as when you talk to yourself in your mind. It is not a GIFT, it is an ability which we all have, the only difference is that some of choose to explore it and the rest choose to dismiss or ridicule it. It is very easy to do and achieve staggering results, all you have to do is to be open to it.... the first step is to open an imaginery door in the top of you head / mind and say in your inner voice that spirit are welcome to communicate with you and that you welcome only the good who are working in Gods name. all it takes is a bit of practice and the right kind of open mind, ANYONE CAN DO IT... this is why i cant belive that people go to see mediums and pay for it, spirit can be reached through even the most shallow of meditations, all that it takes is for your mind to open to the option that it could happen, you dont even have to believe in it until you get some results, only believe that there is a chance it is real, and believe me, IT IS.

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If you understood mediumship you would understand that most of it whether its clairvoyance (seeing spirit) or clairaudience (hearing spirit) is not about direct communication with the deceased themselves. What they do is put inspirational thoughts into your mind, its is a similar scenario as if i were to give you the word "jumbo jet", there isnt one in view but in you minds eye you can clearly see the wings, fusilage, tail fin, livery etc etc, this is kind of what you see when you are given an image, when you are given words, names, or places etc, the voice you hear is your own, the same as when you talk to yourself in your mind. It is not a GIFT, it is an ability which we all have, the only difference is that some of choose to explore it and the rest choose to dismiss or ridicule it. It is very easy to do and achieve staggering results, all you have to do is to be open to it.... the first step is to open an imaginery door in the top of you head / mind and say in your inner voice that spirit are welcome to communicate with you and that you welcome only the good who are working in Gods name. all it takes is a bit of practice and the right kind of open mind, ANYONE CAN DO IT... this is why i cant belive that people go to see mediums and pay for it, spirit can be reached through even the most shallow of meditations, all that it takes is for your mind to open to the option that it could happen, you dont even have to believe in it until you get some results, only believe that there is a chance it is real, and believe me, IT IS.


So are you talking about talking to Angels, or dead people...............


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If you understood mediumship you would understand that most of it whether its clairvoyance (seeing spirit) or clairaudience (hearing spirit) is not about direct communication with the deceased themselves. What they do is put inspirational thoughts into your mind, its is a similar scenario as if i were to give you the word "jumbo jet", there isnt one in view but in you minds eye you can clearly see the wings, fusilage, tail fin, livery etc etc, this is kind of what you see when you are given an image, when you are given words, names, or places etc, the voice you hear is your own, the same as when you talk to yourself in your mind. It is not a GIFT, it is an ability which we all have, the only difference is that some of choose to explore it and the rest choose to dismiss or ridicule it. It is very easy to do and achieve staggering results, all you have to do is to be open to it.... the first step is to open an imaginery door in the top of you head / mind and say in your inner voice that spirit are welcome to communicate with you and that you welcome only the good who are working in Gods name. all it takes is a bit of practice and the right kind of open mind, ANYONE CAN DO IT... this is why i cant belive that people go to see mediums and pay for it, spirit can be reached through even the most shallow of meditations, all that it takes is for your mind to open to the option that it could happen, you dont even have to believe in it until you get some results, only believe that there is a chance it is real, and believe me, IT IS.


What you are describing here sounds very similar to self-hypnosis (which, by the way, does not put you asleep or in an unconscious trance).

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Certain knowledge is only available to a few, not the masses... Secret knowledge confuses the already confused to the point of insult and insolence. Poor poor narrow minded sheeple.


OH, come on! Seriously. You've got some nerve coming on here, spouting off your antiquated, utter nonsense and then calling the people on here Sheep.


I've plenty of tolerance for just about every belief system but once you pull the sheep card the gloves come off.


Sadly, the plain truth is that you're the sheep. You're the one who can't prove anything and who has absolutely nothing but whispers and a knowing nod on your side. You can't manage to duplicate results under even remotely scientific testing, and yet YOU'RE telling us WE'RE the sheep?


That's simply boggling. Your ability for self delusion is legendary. Most people these days, thankfully, need a bit more than a few mystical words and some hand-me-down 'facts' about the mysteries of the universe to convince them of the 'other side', which you seem to revel in flaunting your secret knowledge known only to the chosen ones. How convenient.


You're far from being alone in your ovine ability to seek out the 'truth' but equally, your ability to make up bogus rationale around this phenomena is equally incredible!


By all means, continue to believe and continue to consider the doubters sheep, but if you truly believe you're talking to the dead, then the only thing that's dead around here and still talking is your ability to separate fact from fiction.

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