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Clairvoyants: genuine or conmen/women?

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Yeah! Some even become pink elephants and float around my head. Quite distrubing really, but I like talking to them. Some even talk back! :gag:


Are you SURE you're not psychic?


After all, the ability is there for all to tap into.


And when I say "tap", I don't mean those on the bar! :P

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I have read alot on this forum about people who went to see psychics, with apparently mixed results. Some posters even chipped in with comments about these people, who charge for their service, being 'conmen' or 'criminals'? Is this true?


In the late 80's, on advice from colleagues, I went to one supposedly reputable lady psychic (whose name I forget) who used to be above a fancy dress shop on the road from Hillsboro corner out towards Rivelin.

(EDIT) She proved to be mostly wrong. However, a visit to a [free] Spiritualist church - free and me visiting on a whim- proved to be very accurate by a couple of people approaching me, and I had not given away any brief/detailed replied/answers, facial tics or any behavioural signs.


But are there any really genuine clairvoyants/audients, who do not charge or advertise their 'gifts', and rely only on word of mouth?


And does 'not predicting the lotto' or 'not guessing your name' prove fakery?


People who can communicaate with the dead................... Of cause they are genuine!.........:help:

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Are you SURE you're not psychic?


After all, the ability is there for all to tap into.


And when I say "tap", I don't mean those on the bar! :P


Well, some have called me tapped. I went to see a woman at Skegvegas near the fairground, and gave her 20 notes. She mumbled some stuff, and played with my hand (I liked that) and looked into a big plastic balls. She said I would meet a rich tall slender women. From a exotic country.


It was all BS, I ended up with a 4'2 obese dwarf on the dole. From the Manor. Bah!

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...the voice you hear is your own, the same as when you talk to yourself in your mind. ... spirit can be reached through even the most shallow of meditations, ....

Meditation and self-hypnosis are powerful, I agree, especially when used by a particularly imaginative person. In the context of relative sensory deprivation meditation can conjure up impressions of out of body experiences.


Couple meditation with the necessary motivation (a strong conviction that your self-talk and thought generation are externally inspired) and there you have your communication with the dead.


As for 'sheeple': there's nothing less open-minded than someone who proposes 'secret knowledge available only to the few', while ignoring or actively rejecting the body of information that's accumulated in support of more terrestrial explanations for 'psychic' communication in the absence of supporting evidence from the psychics for their own claims.

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It is not a GIFT, it is an ability which we all have, the only difference is that some of choose to explore it and the rest choose to dismiss or ridicule it. It is very easy to do and achieve staggering results, all you have to do is to be open to it.... all it takes is a bit of practice and the right kind of open mind, ANYONE CAN DO IT.



Certain knowledge is only available to a few, not the masses... Secret knowledge confuses the already confused to the point of insult and insolence. Poor poor narrow minded sheeple.


You are making this up as you go along ... and I claim my prize. :hihi:


Talking about sheeple ... I once went to these things with a girlfriend many many years ago, and after an hour or so of unimpressive cold reading, the "medium" put up a white screen in which the audience was instructed to concentrate and they would be able to see the "auras" of the spirits as they passed by.


It was just a white screen. But as soon as somebody would claim that they could see something, others in the audience would shout out that they could see the same. It was hilarious, and I felt like the small boy in The Emperor's New Clothes.

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