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I went to rotherham town with my two girls today

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I decided that i will go to rotherham town, i dont go there often, once of twice a year, always with mum/hubby/sister etc, but today i decided to go alone with just the children. While shopping, i saw a man standing next to me, as it he was actually with me, (if you know what i mean) i moved away from him and scurried along with the kids. Then when i got to the next shop, he was there again, staring right at me, and looking pretty weird and scary. so i dashed away from the shop and looked back, now i was panicking, as he was following me, he followed me to all the shops i went to, and when i stopped, he walked past me, and stopped, then waited etc, when i went past him again he followed. I held onto the kids and my handbag tight, and i was shaking like mad. I didnt want to carry on shopping after that. I just wanted to get to my car.


But the walk to my car was again a worry, as he followed me then, i got agitated and i said' why are you following me, leave us alone' he didint say anything, looked straight into my eyes and he looked so scary, i thought he might take one of my kids, or even attack me. so i stopped, and waited for someone to walk towards my car, and i quickly got in, locked it and drove off. i did'nt buy anything, i felt very scared. He was of an ethnic origin incase your wondering, he looked cold in his eyes, had a stubbly face, wore all black, and tanned/brown skin. This has never happened to me before, and i must say i was petrified.


my sister said i should have reported him to the security, but i was so scared i just wanted to get out of there and keep my kids safe.

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I haven't reported it, i was still in shock when i came home, this is the only time i have really sat and thought about it, But i am going to the police station in the morning to report this, he might even attack someone and i wont be able to forgive myself, as i was lucky to get away. It was busy there, and i didnt think, i just wanted to get away, i really should have alertd the shop people and asked them to call the police, but i wasnt thinking about that, i just panicked about my little girls.

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Not ringing very true to me I'm afraid.


Its people like you that don't believe others, and make silly comments, if and when it happens to your loved ones, you'll understand.


This is true and i wouldn't make something up like this, especially concerning my children also.....and i am going to the police and giving them a description of the person.

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