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Families facing care website name

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I am one of a number of parents who have social services delving into our family lives. These people are horrible to us and yet we have to be seen to co-operate. They have a well rehearsed operating procedure that does not touch the determined abuser but catches out those that open themselves to honest scrutiny that turn small hiccups into acts of neglect.


I have set up my first child protection conference website for parents who will be having to take this route. A templated homepage at the moment but now I have time it will soon be done.


I need ideas for a website name for parents who are directly facing social services not just in sheffield but county wide or even national. The idea of the website is to offer an outline of all of the procedings, places of help, who to go to and who to avoid. I will organise discussions and advise from parents who have been through the process.

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No ideas for a website name but as someone who was hounded through the courts etc for years by one particular social worker who rather than helping was allowed to get away with breaking rules and twisting things to make our lives a misery I just want to wish you all the best with this project....

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hi what about 'Catch 22' ? cause no matter how much you co operate with them, it will be turned round and used against you, this is from 1st hand experience trust me !!! good luck and when you get it up and running please let me know cause i will certainly use it ok

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Can't think of a name but i wish you all the luck in the world with your venture.


I too have had first hand experience of social services and all their lies and breaking rules.



In the process of suing them at the minute inbox me if you need owt :)

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  • 5 weeks later...
I am one of a number of parents who have social services delving into our family lives. These people are horrible to us and yet we have to be seen to co-operate. They have a well rehearsed operating procedure that does not touch the determined abuser but catches out those that open themselves to honest scrutiny that turn small hiccups into acts of neglect.


I have set up my first child protection conference website for parents who will be having to take this route. A templated homepage at the moment but now I have time it will soon be done.


I need ideas for a website name for parents who are directly facing social services not just in sheffield but county wide or even national. The idea of the website is to offer an outline of all of the procedings, places of help, who to go to and who to avoid. I will organise discussions and advise from parents who have been through the process.


I wish you all the best, I don't know much about this but I do know an individual that works for Social services and you wouldn't want to meet her, she is a nasty violent piece of work, no idea how she ever got a job supposedly to help people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had many dealings with SS many years ago, in a sort of professional capacity. I used to call them the 'Wooly Tights Brigade'. I used to foster "problem teenagers", or as the woolies called them "teenagers with problems" (there's a special language they use which you have to learn to recognise!).


In some respects I feel that 'they' are stuck between a rock and a hard place, in as much as whatever decision they arrive at. It's going to irk someone! Consequently, everyone in SS is reluctant to actually 'make a decision', in case things go pear shaped for them and it comes back to bite them on the bum! This is espacially evident in recent years with baby Peter thing and the Victoria Clumbie (sorry don't know the spelling) debacle.


The bottom line is that nobody within SS wants to make a definitive decision, one way or another for the reason detailed above. This has the effect of decisions taking forever, being passed from pillar to post and just general 'dithering', and inevitably wrong decisions being made, to err on the side of caution.


It's completely wrong I know, and I don't pretend to know the answer, but that's the facts of it.


Any information sites that deal with these issues must be applauded, and will prove very useful for a lot of people, but remember, there are 2 sides to every issue!

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