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Black market leads the manufacturing recovery - Skunk saves the UK

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The burgeoning industry of illicit home growing of cannabis is now so widespread that the UK has for the 1st time become net exporters of weed (mostly skunk apparantly) to the EU. In the last 3 years over 100kg of domestic weed had been seized by customs on it's way out of the UK, although customs say this is only a small fraction of the total that does get out.


In 2010 nearly 7,000 cannabis factories and 750,000 plants with an estimated yield of £85m were found by police in the UK and there is still a large oversupply. So off to Europe the surplus goes! Most of the work is done by hard working Vietnamese and Chinese immigrants, but the ST says "middle class professionals, are tempted by the offer of thousands of pounds from drugs dealers to rent them rooms and convert them into mini cannabis farms."


Graeme Parsons, ex boss of the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcment Agy said "10 years ago we wouldn't have seen any cannabis being exported but now we see a new chapter has opened - the UK has become a drug exporter".


Maybe we could give it away to the industrious Germans so that we could close the huge productivity gap with them?


Seriously though, I don't see it being stopped at anything other than vast expense, so I'd support just legitimising it and license production (like the EU does for wine and tobbaco, etc.) and rake off some tax revenues. Get DEFRA to monitor quality (in some way).


Skunk could be the saviour of the UK.


The trade deficit remains at £9billion per month and inflation remains high due to dilution/devaluation of the currency. We need to start producing goods for export if we are to tackle the problem.


The black market is leading the way. The UK is now a NET exporter of skunk cannabis, a black market with a trade surplus. One might call it the freemarket!


Real wealth lies in production. Somebody growing skunk cannabis and exporting it to the EU allows for the imports of French wine, Dutch cheese, German cars, Polish beer, Latvian spirits, Spanish tomatoes, Italian clothes etc.


We need to develop this trade and expand our production, whilst also increasing production in other areas. We could build factories to build prefabricated housing, that we could use to tackle the lack of housing and even export factory made housing to other countries with affordable housing crises.


As it stands our economy is backwards. People invest on the back of debt, buying housing and renting it out. Producing nothing, but unsustainable debt and bleeding the workers of the country dry through increased property prices, increased housing benefit costs and the misallocation of capital away from production. So much so that production of housing is retarded to such a degree that rents are forced to increase.


Real wealth lies in production and cannabis growers are leading the way.


Perhaps we can learn from this industry which now produces in such abundance it can export.


Investing in production is good for all.

Investing in rent seeking is parasitic.

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Investing in production is good for all.

Investing in rent seeking is parasitic.


Skunk not homes. Now there's a slogan that'll get you elected. I walked past two blokes on Division Street smoking skunk a couple of years ago and the smell was like having a red hot poker shoved up each nostril. If everyone was on that stuff you'd have to invest the entire GNP on drug rehabilitation and so defeat the purpose of having a booming economy based on skunk.

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Skunk not homes. Now there's a slogan that'll get you elected. I walked past two blokes on Division Street smoking skunk a couple of years ago and the smell was like having a red hot poker shoved up each nostril. If everyone was on that stuff you'd have to invest the entire GNP on drug rehabilitation and so defeat the purpose of having a booming economy based on skunk.


Growing skunk & building homes, instead of incinerating skunk (without generating power) and buying the same house over and over again.


We need to stop the madness;


Why are you scrapping your car and buying the same one brand new? Government told me too, and I got a scrappage grant. :|

Why have taken out another mortgage on a house that has already been built and paid off? Thought it would be a good idea. :|


And acknowledge the sane;


Why are you growing cannabis? - Real wealth lies in production...

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if you saved your money rather than spending it on drugs, you would probably have enough for a deposit on a house of your own and possibly a btl one as well


I don't want to own a house, or the house of another. I want to live in one, whilst I'm alive, afterwards I don't need it.

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