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Falklands veterans on SF?

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I remember the pot-collector (you know the type) in my local quite few years ago. He once told us that he took part in the Iranian Embassy siege and killed a terrorist. Someone asked 'were you in the SAS?', he replied 'I'm not allowed to tell you'.

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The fact that people do question claims of service, especially when they place you in a specific elite unit and to be one of a handfull of that unit that engaged the enemy hand to hand in that unit at a particular battle does not in any way do a disservice to those who have served in the forces and especially those who have served in combat for our country. If you throw in a bit of "personal information" which those in the know means that you can only have been attached to the elite Customer complaint escalation team for Tesco customer services in Basingstoke during the own brand custard cream recall crisis of 1998 - guess what, you won't get called on it, because nobody gives a damn. Chuck in a bit of "personal information" which puts you as first man on the balcony in the Iranian Embassy siege and yup - you'll get grilled on it.


Why, because we have huge respect for those who serve and have served and don't want people that haven't claiming credit for things that others did. Pretty much everyone who has served feels as cross if not more cross that the general public at walts who try to take the credit for stuff other men did for this country so I'm surprised someone who went hand to hand at wireless ridge regards walts as a minor issue, especially in the era of the internet where every sad loser living in his mums attic can recount tales of derring do in the maroon machine.


Not saying the guys deffo a walt, but if i'd only gone through privations of the training required to get into and get operational with the paras I'd be damned if a bunch of online civies would question my credibility and i'd just walk away with a "sorry, shouldn't have mentioned it, you're all so untrusting , next topic please".

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Accusing or infering that a poster is a previous banned member should be strictly against forum rules with a three-strikes-then-out rule; this is the second time i've noticed you do it, once more and you would be OUT.


I have seen numerous incidents where attempts to rejoin SF by various trolls, cranks, and generally offensive bigots was cut short when other posters recognised their drivel and drew attention to them.


Why would you be so keen to bring in a rule that would mainly benefit those who like to cause offense?

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Also reported it and you can also use that fascility if you wish.

For someone who has been here since july you seem to know what I was refering to from over two years ago.:roll::roll:.............


The other one I saw today wasn't you actually, it was another poster calling someone "benny boy".

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The other one I saw today wasn't you actually, it was another poster calling someone "benny boy".


What a coincidence......:roll::roll::roll::roll:

So does that mean I am only on one of your strikes?.


You do all seem to have the same style of posting and like the word "lefties" a lot in your posts.;)....

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The other one I saw today wasn't you actually, it was another poster calling someone "benny boy".


Order issued by Commander, British Forces Falkland Islands: "The Falkland Islanders are not to be referred to as 'Bennies'.


So they became 'Stills' (He's STILL a Benny.)


Second Edict: "The Bennies are not to be referred to as 'Stills'


So they became 'Andy's' (And he's still a Benny.)


Time to give up.:hihi:

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What a coincidence......:roll::roll::roll::roll:

So does that mean I am only on one of your strikes?.


You do all seem to have the same style of posting and like the word "lefties" a lot in your posts.;)....

I use the term 'leftie' as well.


It covers a lot of bases, and is somewhat less derogatory than terms like 'Nazi scum' , ‘right wing filth', 'fascist bas...' that our left-of-centre friends use regularly and with much vigour in reference to their opposites.

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I use the term 'leftie' as well.


It covers a lot of bases, and is somewhat less derogatory than terms like 'Nazi scum' , ‘right wing filth', 'fascist bas...' that our left-of-centre friends use regularly and with much vigour in reference to their opposites.



This claim has been made so often in recent months that I am utterly mystified as to how I have not seen a single incident of this supposedly widespread abuse.


Could it be that this constant stream of hugely exaggerated claims is merely to excuse the contemptuous attiudes habitually displayed by many on the far right towards a wide range of other posters, who are first stereotyped and then labled with some well worn derrogatory cliche.

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