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The Tories really are the party of low tax.

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I thought it was but doidn't thiunk a Tory MP made much sense on your avatar, havign gained the impression that you lean the other direction


Even if I don't like the party I can still admire some of the people. Pickles is quite a character. I like his utter single-mindedness and there are surprises about the man too. He was prominent in the anti-racist movement in the 80s.

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My avatar is A picture of Eric Pickles. I like him a lot.


Ah yes, the man who believes "local councils should be more accountable to local taxpayers", yet centrally rubber stamps proposals to build massive, costly, privately run incinerators in areas with huge opposition.

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Ah yes, the man who believes "local councils should be more accountable to local taxpayers", yet centrally rubber stamps proposals to build massive, costly, privately run incinerators in areas with huge opposition.


Sometimes I like to see beyond all that. I do often wonder though if you could peel Eric Pickles like an onion would you eventually find Baroness Warsi inside.

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Isn't it funny how people who don't pay much tax want hard working successful people to pay lots of it.


Funny old thing that.


People who do work extremely hard also pay taxes, they are called the low paid. People assume that the higher your wages the harder you work. Not always the case.


That people want those with money to pay proportionately more in tax than those with less sounds fair to me. It's called progressive taxation.


An anomoly I always find intesting is how some relatively low paid people get angry that the rich should have to pay more in tax, but are gleeful at the prospect of the poor losing the minimum wage or public services.

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