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Xmas rammed in your face once again

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Yeh its great when celebrated at the right time(preferably xmas time) for whatever reasons suit the individual,but when I started the thread I was pointing out that there is absolutly no need to start banging it into everyones head as soon as the kids go back to school in September.

I personally have a life,of which I dont want to be pestered and reminded for 3-4 months of the year that Xmas is coming,from December onwards is absolutly fine.

The post about the person with 2 small kids wanting something to look forward to and Xmas bringing out their imagination is absolute Brain swamp.

My kid has something to look forward to all year round,thats possibly because I dont purposly go out and get into debt every Xmas because the shops tell me to,and as for imagination,how much of an imagination will those kids have if they are just going out a doing what they see on TV and what a megabucks company is telling them to do.


Its brain numbing nonsense:loopy:

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As an agnostic/atheist (in spite of being the son of a vicar), I used to be a regular Christmas curmudgeon in me younger days, but my gf always insists on celebrating it the 'traditional' way. Over time, I've come to rather look forward to it.


It helps to remember what its actual origin was: a pagan, mid-winter festival of light, the purpose of which was to help people get through the long, dark months of winter, psychologically, spiritually, physically and nutrutionally. The idea of gift-giving is simply a way of re-distributing vital resources (food, warm clothing, etc.) from those that had a surplus to those who had little or nothing. This festival was hijacked, with some subtlety, by the Christian church, as a way to get followers of the old religions to convert, with minimum disruption to their established festivals (the same thing happened with Easter. Several other religions also have similar mid-winter festivals, for much the same reasons.


I've come to view it as a pleasant break from work (I know not everyone is in this fortunate position), when we can crank up the heating, over-indulge a little (or a lot), and spend time and share any good fortune we may have had with friends and family, at the point of the year that can seem the bleakest.


I would agree that the commercial aspect can grate rather, although I'm not sure it actually starts earlier every year- people have been saying this since I was a child, and, if it were true, we'd now be preparing for Christmas 2013! Like it or not, it has come to represent an extremely important event in the country's financial calendar, and, if Christmas ceased to exist overnight, then we'd find ourselves in a considerably worse mess than we're already in.


I can only suggest that everyone enjoy it in their own way: whether it's to max out your credit cards; sing carols, praise your god (who/whatever it may be) and build Nativity scenes; put up garish lights & decorations; get drunk and stuff yourself; devote all your time to the needy; or just try to forget it's happening at all; just try not to get too upset about how others do it, while spoiling it for yourself. Remember the point of it all, and try to spread a little cheer & generosity.


I know it's far too early, but do have a good one!

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an excellent post:) and I agree with what you say.

Also an enlightening post,you learn something everyday.


BUT, do we realy need to be reminded that the year is coming to an end,when actually we still have a quarter of the year left.

We dont need to be told that in 12 weeks time we are expected to spend -spend -spend so start spending now.


If Xmas was to be ignored until late November it would make it worth while and more enjoyable!


Does this sort of thing happen in the USA from September onwards as they have several other major holidays from yet until Xmas day ????.

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So once again the time has come,Christmas rammed down our throats from the end of September:(.

I am sick of it already,it should be banned from the TV and advertising boards until at least the end of November,only this morning on a breakfast TV channel they had kids making a giant xmas card,works do's have been advertised since early September and there is a sudden influx of adverts for toys on the TV,shops are stocked with tacky decorations for sale and some have even started with the over the top decorations already.

If you've not realised it yet ,we actually spend a quarter of our year either celebrating or planning Xmas and watching the latest creepy mega store ads on TV .

I dont mind Xmas from mid December,but detest having to see all these tacky ads as soon as I get back off my hols.:loopy:


It does seem to get earlier every year , a total waste of time if you ask me.


does anyone know if there are any petitions or likewise which want to ban Christmas until Christmas time???


Great post I agree 100%.... people can make their Bah Humbug comments but the point being made is not that we don't like Christmas, its that Christmas is starting too early!!


I saw Christmas cards/wrapping paper on sale mid August and remember being shocked as its still summer. Seeing Christmas things now just makes it all go on too long and by the time its here I am starting to get fed up a bit.


We havent had Halloween or Bonfire night yet, personally I think Christmas related items should be on the shelves after that! Toys are obviously available all year so people can start buying early if they really want to but specific Christmas items (cards/paper/decorations etc) should be left till mid November.

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i remember christmas, it started around december 18th, was great and lasted until new yrs day.


i wonder what happened to it. seems to have dissapeared completely now


You obviously don't know how to party!:hihi:


Christmas starts on the First Sunday of Advent (28th November last year) and goes on until the 5th of January (the day before Epiphany, the feast of the 3 Kings. - The Twelfth Night.) ... The Twelve days of Christmas.


Fasching starts on the 6th of January and goes on until Shrove Tuesday (Fastnacht, Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras.)


This year, that was on the 8th of March.


By the time you've finished partying, Winter's just about over.


Next year, Fastnacht is the 21st of February ... there will still be plenty of winter to come.

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