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Dada Pub (Old Trippetts)


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I really rate Thornbridge beers but there's no justification for charging £3.70 a pint. Judging by the photos it looks like it has the sort of manufactured 'quirkiness' that puts me off. Also I can't stand pubs that make their staff wear uniforms, it's demeaning and helps to create a clinical atmosphere.

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Cask was £2.60, KeyKeg £3.70


are those prices for the same sort of beer from each pump?


i'm one of those left a little confused by the key-keg business and costing in the sheffield tap after unwittingly having a key-keg 5am saint a few weeks back. i don't quite get the 40% mark-up between them.


i suppose that if they're completely different beers then much of the difference in price would be due the type

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are those prices for the same sort of beer from each pump?


i'm one of those left a little confused by the key-keg business and costing in the sheffield tap after unwittingly having a key-keg 5am saint a few weeks back. i don't quite get the 40% mark-up between them.


i suppose that if they're completely different beers then much of the difference in price would be due the type


In my experience the same beer will cost 50p+ extra on key-keg as opposed to cask. It's a massive improvement on old fashioned keg but still not as good as cask IMHO (I prefer my beer without cold and fizz I suppose).


The cost issue needs to addressed by the brewers as at the moment key-keg beer is too expensive for us consumers. Something that a lot of the cask v keg flame wars on twitter and the blogosphere fail to take into account.


And on another note, it appears that Brewdog are eyeing up Sheffield for one of their own key-keg bars.



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I think the main difference in the cost is that Key Kegs are disposable and are chucked in the skip once they are empty, wheareas casks and ordinary kegs are returned to the brewer, washed and reused. There are also smaller things that add to costs like the need to add gas to keg beer whereas cask is naturally conditioned.

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will everyone calm down about £3.70 a pint? If you actually visit the place, you can get an excellent strong pint for £2.60. For a city centre place, thats a bargain.


Kegs are pricey, not really sure its justified, but you don't have to have them!


i don't object to paying £3.70 a pint, unless it's the same stuff as that at £2.60 but coming out of a different pump


you're right though - you do have a choice - and besides, the whole key-keg argument is off topic to dada itself


i'll have a look in when i'm next passing that way for sure

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