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Dada Pub (Old Trippetts)


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It was an interesting bar, very dark, even at the front. There was too much moisture in the air, making the place very damp, it definitely needs a dehumidifier.

I appreciated that it is very different to anything in Sheffield, which is needed. Trippets had become very down at heel, so something had to happen. I like what Thornbridge are doing to some of these run-down pubs and the new industrial dimension here, referencing some very important local Sheffield bands is very worthy.

The wine lists were interesting and affordable.


If they can beat the damp, it will be a lot better.

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sampled several pints on friday night (and paid for it heavily the next morning:))


It is dark, but it is a bar and not a pub, so I didn't go in expecting open fires and soft lighting. Trippets was a pretty dark place too from what I remember. This is probably due to lack of windows and the large back room, again with no windows. I can't imagine this is deliberate on Thornbridge's part, if you look at the other places they own/manage, they are all very light and airy.


I thought the range of beer was very good. A good range of non-thornbridge beers too, which has been a criticism of them in other pubs.


the thing that draws me to these places is pretty simple - The drinks are good, with very well maintained pumps and the bar is clean. The service is good, friendly bar staff always ready to offer tasters, you never have to buy a drink without tasting. And finally the crowd was good, a mixture of young and old, quite a few couples there too but not too over crowded or noisy.


I'll be going back.

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There's some talk of this place being known locally as Dee Dar bar, for obvious reasons.


I personally vote for a name change from Dada to DeeDar - this seems to suggest independence and local character more than a defunct art movement. This would also circumvent the allegedly hypocritical nature of naming a 'bourgeois' bar after an anti-bourgeois avant-garde grouping.



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will everyone calm down about £3.70 a pint? If you actually visit the place, you can get an excellent strong pint for £2.60. For a city centre place, thats a bargain.


Kegs are pricey, not really sure its justified, but you don't have to have them!


I think the problem is when you go in and walk up to the bar you are confronted with a massive array of keg beer taps on a huge polished pipe. Until you know that there is another bar around the corner you aren't aware of the hand pumps.

You get loads of folks wandering in and just ordering from the light up keg taps presumably without any idea that it costs £3.70/pint or that there is an alternative. You didn't get the bar staff informing folk of the price before they were served.

I've got mixed feelings about the place. It was a bit too loud and without soft furnishings it echoed a lot. The handpulled beers were from various breweries and well served in oversized glasses, so you got a pint for your £1.60. If that is subsidized by the mugs who buy the keg crap then that's OK with me. But why is a micro brewery going down the keg route? Isn't that where Watneys and CAMRA were 40 years ago?


I can't find anything that puts me off going in again, but the problem is I can't think of anything that would make me want to make the trip down there either.

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