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Government stealing our children.

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Over many decades the excuses used by the government to take children from their parents have become shockingly unbelievable.

Social workers with very little experience are being given the right to judge if childrens parents are unfit to care.

As the media covers strong cases like 'baby P' to help support their agenda the public are unaware that some children are taken from their parents because a child isn't eating enough fruit or vegetables. ITS SICKENING!!!:rant:





These reports may be all for the UK but dont be fooled its also happening in the US, EU and Many More Countries.



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I have tears falling down my face as i type this because i have had the unfortunate involvement of social services merely because i WORKED.


I told them to either prove i was neglecting my teenage kids by working or to sod off, they sodded off but not before making my life a living hell for six months doing unnecessary checks and lying through their back teeth when it finally dawned on them that both my kids were happy healthy and bought up in a stable enviroment.


I absolutely despise social services and am currently in the process of suing the ass of them for breaking just about every policy they have.


It breaks my heart to hear about cases where children have been snatched from loving parents just because they are struggling an needed a little support and i hope that one day the SS will be shown up for what it is.

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I have tears falling down my face as i type this because i have had the unfortunate involvement of social services merely because i WORKED.


I told them to either prove i was neglecting my teenage kids by working or to sod off, they sodded off but not before making my life a living hell for six months doing unnecessary checks and lying through their back teeth when it finally dawned on them that both my kids were happy healthy and bought up in a stable enviroment.


I absolutely despise social services and am currently in the process of suing the ass of them for breaking just about every policy they have.


It breaks my heart to hear about cases where children have been snatched from loving parents just because they are struggling an needed a little support and i hope that one day the SS will be shown up for what it is.


Im sorry you have had to experience their wrath, and im glad things didn't get too serious for you. Fortunately you most likely helped by putting your foot down and defending your rights unlike many people think is possible, like young parents who rely on the government and social advises to help them.


This is only half of the story the question is ' Why are they stealing children?'.

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Im sorry you have had to experience their wrath, and im glad things didn't get too serious for you. Fortunately you most likely helped by putting your foot down and defending your rights unlike many people think is possible, like young parents who rely on the government and social advises to help them.


This is only half of the story the question is ' Why are they stealing children?'.


Because the government is made up of shape shifting lizards who want to enslave us all!

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Over many decades the excuses used by the government to take children from their parents have become shockingly unbelievable.

Social workers with very little experience are being given the right to judge if childrens parents are unfit to care.

As the media covers strong cases like 'baby P' to help support their agenda the public are unaware that some children are taken from their parents because a child isn't eating enough fruit or vegetables. ITS SICKENING!!!:rant:



Evidence please.


If kids weren't getting their 5 a day over half would be in care. Now if the child was grossly obese and being fed a diet of big macs then there is a case for intervention.

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Do you have any mainstream evidence other than these home made Youtube videos to strengthen your argument?


Do you mean government funded media? why would they sabotage their own agenda?

And no they aint all home made youtube videos 2 out of 3 are from a sky channel called Edge Media.

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