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Where can I find some nice mushrooms

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Yeah that made you look didn't it.

Bit of a strange request. Well it probably wouldn't be if I was after magic mushrooms ... which I'm not.


I'm allergic to mushrooms anyway. Not touching them, touching them is fine - but if I eat them I'm sick.




I want to enter a photography competition online so I can win a big canvas print. The theme this month is "mushrooms". I thought I would politely ask if any of you have seen any nice looking mushrooms whilst you have been out and about .. maybe walking your dog or jogging .. or whatever it is you do out in a location where mushrooms grow. Fishing! there's another one.


Hopefully you have spotted something quite colourful. I don't think the competition could be won with a regular brown, grass verge "shroom".


Anyway let me know, it will be much appreciated.

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You do know that the shelf life of most mushrooms is very short?


They appear out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. By the time someone finds one and tells you where it is, it will be gone by the time you get there.


Why don't you just get someone to send you a picture of any good mushrooms they see, pass it off as yours for the competition and share the prize! :D


John X

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You do know that the shelf life of most mushrooms is very short?


They appear out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. By the time someone finds one and tells you where it is, it will be gone by the time you get there.


By the time somebody tells me where a mint mushroom is, I'll already be en route. :)


Why don't you just get someone to send you a picture of any good mushrooms they see, pass it off as yours for the competition and share the prize!


Because that's dishonest. Plus, there is something pretty special about taking the photograph yourself. I wouldn't want to win a print of someone elses photograph and then hang it in my home and look at it everyday. Sounds like an awful idea.

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