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2 feral little animals

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Yet another day yet another bruise yet another tearful little girl.

Today 2 thugs in my daughters class pinned her to the floor, removed her shoes and threw them into the rain then 'bumped into her' on her way back into the class. They also took another girls water bottle from her and threw it at every wall until it broke and last week they attacked another child in the yard.

Im sick of the heads lack of interest in this but enough is enough.

She either protects my daughter from these animals or i see what legal steps can be taken!!!!!!!!!!

Rant over:rant:

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This is inacceptable. The school has a duty of care when your child is in school and this means that steps should be taken to protect her. Go to the head again and to the board of governors of the school. If you still have no joy got to the education authority.

Bullying like this should not and cannot be allowed to continue and all schools are supposed to have strict guidelines in place to deal with it. Good luck

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If the head won't act, then you need to teach your daughter self defence... If she gets the ring leader, grabs em by the wrists and spins em round and round on the playground floor, his knees will bleed and his mate will not even try to intervene... That's how I binned two such goons when I was 8... Never attracted any others... That was 20 odd years ago though - thought schools were supposed to be zero tolerance now?

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