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Are the far-right in Britain past their sell-by date?

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Tonight, Panorama will air an expose of fraud and corruption in the BNP. The party is now massively in debt that it can't pay off, and is under investigation by the Electoral Commission. As officials of the BNP are personally liable for all debts, this isn't going to go away by declaring themselves bankrupt.


This weekend the English Defence League held a rally in Whitehall to hand in a petition complaining to David Cameron for calling them 'sick' for their attempts to stir up racial hatred during the riots. Less than 100 supporters turned up and their petition had less than 700 signatures. As usual, drink played a large part in the event and it ended again, as usual, with arrests.


For those who see the EDL as being a 'bit soft', the North West Infidels attempted to re-launch the neo-Nazi movement with a 'nationalist rally' in Leeds on Saturday. Only around 50 people turned up and they stood in the rain listening to dreary speeches until a passer-by shouted something and most of them ran towards the police lines shouting "Allah is a paedo!". Again arrests for drunkeness and public order offences followed.


A further humiliation came a couple of hours ago, when the footballer Joey Barton released this 'tweet' in response to the EDL claiming that he was a supporter of theirs.


I refuse to raise awareness in a group of mentally deficient right wing numpties. Hope u understand. JB


The far-right seems to be falling apart at the seams. This is against the tide of increasing support for the far-right in the rest of Europe although this has taken a knock since the Brevik massacre. (Recent Danish general election is evidence of this).


So why, with conditions that have never been better for decades, have the far-right failed to make any real headway here? :confused:


John X

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It is indeed a fact that is this lot goes under, another lot/name are waiting in the wings, FACT


FACT, as long as there are people, there will be people with views from the right, far right, left, far left, middle, far middle and the confused, fact





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The far right in Britain has been past its sell-by date since about 1941. The National Front/BNP/EDL/whatever they call themselves nowadays are a triviality and a laughingstock, compared to Moseley's mob; and even Moseley's mob were never a serious threat to the fabric of British society.

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It is indeed a fact that is this lot goes under, another lot/name are waiting in the wings, FACT


Yes I agree.


There are already other parties rising from the ashes (British Freedom and English Democrats to name a couple).


And as you say, there will always be people with these views but why do they struggle to get any support in the UK when their 'comrades' in the rest of Europe not only influence policy but are in some cases form part of coalition governments?


John X

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The far right in Britain has been past its sell-by date since about 1941. The National Front/BNP/EDL/whatever they call themselves nowadays are a triviality and a laughingstock, compared to Moseley's mob; and even Moseley's mob were never a serious threat to the fabric of British society.
Exactly. Why some people feel the need to dedicate themselves to their petty little campaigns against a non-entity like the BNP or EDL is beyond me.


There are so many other, more constructive, hobbies available than devoting your life to hating a small bunch of idiots.

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There are a number of regular posters on here who support the far right. It would be interesting to hear their views on its current state before the legion of 'banned posters' turn up with new user names to disrupt the thread into deletion.


John X

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Yes I agree.


There are already other parties rising from the ashes (British Freedom and English Democrats to name a couple).


And as you say, there will always be people with these views but why do they struggle to get any support in the UK when their 'comrades' in the rest of Europe not only influence policy but are in some cases form part of coalition governments?


John X




Could it be that on the whole the people in the uk are lot more sensible/educated???

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