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Are the far-right in Britain past their sell-by date?

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They also played a major role in the various resistance movements in Europe so it can be said they also played a part in bringing WWII to an end.


John X


That is true, as is the fact they enslaved eastern european nations for half a century of communist oppresive slavery.


Far right/far left - both utterly repulsive scum.

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If only there had been people in 1930s Germany who had dedicated themselves to petty campaigns against the far right we may not have had WWII and The Holocaust.
Nobody takes them seriously and everybody remembers the Holocaust, which is why they're not worth worrying about.


And don't forget, the far left has killed far more people than the far right, perhaps that should be the target of our little crusaders. ;)

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The far right in Britain has been past its sell-by date since about 1941. The National Front/BNP/EDL/whatever they call themselves nowadays are a triviality and a laughingstock, compared to Moseley's mob; and even Moseley's mob were never a serious threat to the fabric of British society.


This should get a some lefty's frothing, as he crossed the floor to be a labour politician , must have thought there were more fascists on that side.


"No rising star in the political firmament ever shone more brightly than Sir Oswald Mosley. Since by general assent he could have become the leader of either the Labour or the Conservative Party. What Mosley so valiantly stood for could have saved this country from the Hungry Thirties and the Second World War". - Michael Foot, M.P.


Find your own link.

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There are a number of regular posters on here who support the far right. It would be interesting to hear their views on its current state before the legion of 'banned posters' turn up with new user names to disrupt the thread into deletion.


John X


It appears those particular groups have fallen down because of bad management and, in the case of the EDL, the drunken behaviour on their marches.


A lot of idiots have jumped on that bandwagon admittedly.


A couple of points to consider though. Just because these groups are failing in their administration does not mean the key points at the core of them are invalidated.


Since the Second World War people have tried to stay as far away from the ideals of National Socialism and what happened in Europe. This, of course, is a good thing but I believe it has led to a lot of issues that have and are arising being ignored due to fear of being in anyway "far right" or "fascist".


People fear letting on that they have reservations about immigration and the changing demographics because they feel that someone is going to shout "Nazi" at them. Someone quite like you John X. People then get on with their lives and don't support the parties that speak out against immigration etc for fear of being branded.


Now, I don't know what you do in your spare time, and what circles you socialise in, but I certainly see A LOT of "silent support" for these groups. The EDL were once leafleting near a football game I went to last year, and there was plenty of people there reading the leaflets and heartily agreeing with them over a pint. Many a complaint is heard in the pubs I have been in over the years, even to this day. These people just simply "don't count", because they don't go marching or vote BNP.


We simply don't know how things are going to pan out in multicultural Britain. And it there is nothing wrong with wanting to slow the change. We, as individuals, would do well to realise we are only in the country for a short time. People simply don't care if the country is heading to big problems in fifty years, simply because they won't be here. So people think with their hearts, and support letting anyone come to the country without a thought of how the many thousands of years of humanity has proven that different cultures segregate themselves over the world.

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Let's try and keep this on topic. :D


John X

Of course, wouldn't want to distract the thread with a reminder that left wing governments are responsible for so much more human death and misery than the right. :)


But it's a valid point - if you see the BNP as threat, why not British communists?

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And as you say, there will always be people with these views but why do they struggle to get any support in the UK when their 'comrades' in the rest of Europe not only influence policy but are in some cases form part of coalition governments?


A lot of the far-right parties, across Europe as well as here, define themselves largely by their anti-immigration policies.


Britain has been a melting pot of immigration for over a thousand years; any suggestion that we should be opposed to immigration is always going to be laughed at more than anything else. But for immigration, Britain wouldn't even exist.


For myself, I think that's the biggest single reason why far-right parties can do well in a lot of Europe, much of which has never undergone large-scale immigration, but not here in Britain where large-scale immigration has been a fact of life for a millennium.

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A lot of the far-right parties, across Europe as well as here, define themselves largely by their anti-immigration policies.


Britain has been a melting pot of immigration for over a thousand years; any suggestion that we should be opposed to immigration is always going to be laughed at more than anything else. But for immigration, Britain wouldn't even exist.


For myself, I think that's the biggest single reason why far-right parties can do well in a lot of Europe, much of which has never undergone large-scale immigration, but not here in Britain where large-scale immigration has been a fact of life for a millennium.


This seems like quite a lot of fantasy to me. Yeah we have had swathes of people from Scandinavia and from the continent, but this is a little different to the Africans and Asians coming from outside the continent in numbers never seen before.


I am sure that the people within Europe will have pottered about a bit over the years. As for Britain not existing, weren't the people here in the Iron Age the "Britons"?

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People fear letting on that they have reservations about immigration and the changing demographics because they feel that someone is going to shout "Nazi" at them. Someone quite like you John X.


An otherwise good post spoiled by the usual nonsense about 'oh we're not allowed to talk about immigration without being called a racist or a Nazi'. This is made even worse by accusing me of all people of doing it, when I have never called ANYONE on here a nazi or a racist*


Feel free to search my posting history to find evidence of your ludicrous claim. In fact has anyone accused another poster of racism or being a nazi on here? It has been claimed many times but I've never actually seen it happen.


If you have issues with immigration by all means air them. But to hold back because of some mythical threat of being called a nazi is just lazy.


John X


*apart from Roy James but I'm sure that doesn't count as he is a banned poster masquerading under another name(s).

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