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Are the far-right in Britain past their sell-by date?

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An otherwise good post spoiled by the usual nonsense about 'oh we're not allowed to talk about immigration without being called a racist or a Nazi'. This is made even worse by accusing me of all people of doing it, when I have never called ANYONE on here a nazi or a racist*


Feel free to search my posting history to find evidence of your ludicrous claim. In fact has anyone accused another poster of racism or being a nazi on here? It has been claimed many times but I've never actually seen it happen.


If you have issues with immigration by all means air them. But to hold back because of some mythical threat of being called a nazi is just lazy.


John X


*apart from Roy James but I'm sure that doesn't count as he is a banned poster masquerading under another name(s).


I ain't bothered about being called a Nazi, because I can see straight past it, as per my post.


Actually I do apologise for singling you out, that was not well thought out. However, there are some similar suspicions I have about you smearing people with views to the right, but not going to go over that again.*


Your comment "I have never called anyone a Nazi - apart from Roy James" intrigues me. I dunno who he is!!


*Would you please change it now?

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An otherwise good post spoiled by the usual nonsense about 'oh we're not allowed to talk about immigration without being called a racist or a Nazi'. This is made even worse by accusing me of all people of doing it, when I have never called ANYONE on here a nazi or a racist*


Also, you can replace "Nazi" and "Racist" with any term related to someone with "repugnant" views.....as this is what people do fear. If not then why isn't the subject spoken about more and debated fairly? You can't say that it is as a whole.


And please don't say because it's not relevant because it clearly is.

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Because this thread is about the far-right, not the far-left.


Go start your own thread, rather than hijacking this one:thumbsup:.

The point (which you singularly failed to see) is that both political extremes are past their sell-by date. We've learned our lessons from history and the extremes, right or left, have no place in the UK except in the minds of a very small minority.
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I'm glad you see how idealogically close these sworn enemies are.


Anjem Choudray and Nick Griffin could be brothers if it were not for their different races.


They are both authoritarian with huge egos, both fanatics, both religious to varying degrees, both hate women, both hate gays and lesbians, both hate Jews.


They could form a new party together. :hihi:


John X

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The far-right, once they have gotten their hands on the same riches given to the establishment parties, have become corrupt.


If I want to vote for a corrupt party I will vote for the big boys of corruption - the Tories, Labour or Lib Dems! Why should I vote BNP, which is only a minnow in corruption terms compared to them?

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I'm glad you see how idealogically close these sworn enemies are.


Anjem Choudray and Nick Griffin could be brothers if it were not for their different races.


They are both authoritarian with huge egos, both fanatics, both religious to varying degrees, both hate women, both hate gays and lesbians, both hate Jews.


They could form a new party together. :hihi:


John X


I think you'll find that they belong to the same race - humanity. All this talk of racism and miscegenation across races is just nonsense when you realise that we all belong to the same race.

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Are the far-right in Britain past their sell-by date?


Apparently not, having read some of the views expressed on these boards.


You're one to talk. Whenever the far right are on here slagging off Muslims you join in wholeheartedly. I think your ideal party would be if Nick Griffin were Labour leader.

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