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Are the far-right in Britain past their sell-by date?

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English Nationalism is the future, and coming to your street shortly.


You must have been loving the Panorama programme last night then. ;)


Because regardless of the 'Not left nor right' tag, most of those in the English Democrats come from the far-right with increasing numbers coming from the BNP as it falls apart. In fact the English Democrats are actively recruiting disillusioned BNP supporters. And that is the problem. Because of that, you will always be associated with the far-right and public perception is incredibly important in British politics.


You are growing though, and I believe the Mayor of Doncaster is an English Democrat.


John X

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I think you'll find that they belong to the same race - humanity. All this talk of racism and miscegenation across races is just nonsense when you realise that we all belong to the same race.
We're all human but there are different sub-species.

Not everybody agrees with you on there being one race, unless you suggest that caucasions, mongoloids and negroids are all identical. If they are, then chihuahuas and dalmations are identical.

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DNA evidence has made clear that there are not. There's wider variation between different caucasian people, than there is between a caucasian and a negroid.


And an even bigger variation between chihuahuas and dalmatians.


Those who advocate racial exclusivity as opposed to ethnic or cultural exclusivity are time and time again caught out by a poor understanding of genetics.


The oft-repeated statistic that 80% of white British people can trace 90% of their DNA back 2000 years to the remains of a caucasian found in Cornwall, misses out the important addition that 80% of british black people can as well!


John X

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IMO the far right will never have a major role in running the country. The BNP are flawed and the EDL are only a protest group. Another terrorist attack would alter that though. Politics is gradually going more right wing though. There isn't a left wing party of any consequence any more. The left are as dead as the far right.


The most dangerous extreme right wing group though are Muslim extremists. Whenever you turn the news on there's an item about the group causing chaos somewhere in the world. I don't think they could ever gain control of anywhere though because, in all honesty, they don't have the brains or know how. Any person can cause some disruption in the major countries of the world. I'm sure I, with 10 others, could bring the country to a halt, its not hard when you think about it.


The English Democrats? I don't know a lot about them. I know the Mayor of Doncaster is one. But he comes across as a bit of an idiot. I remember when he was elected, his first interview was with Toby Foster, and Toby ripped him to pieces and he's hardly Jeremy Paxman...

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IMO the far right will never have a major role in running the country. The BNP are flawed and the EDL are only a protest group. Another terrorist attack would alter that though. Politics is gradually going more right wing though. There isn't a left wing party of any consequence any more. The left are as dead as the far right.


The most dangerous extreme right wing group though are Muslim extremists. Whenever you turn the news on there's an item about the group causing chaos somewhere in the world. I don't think they could ever gain control of anywhere though because, in all honesty, they don't have the brains or know how. Any person can cause some disruption in the major countries of the world. I'm sure I, with 10 others, could bring the country to a halt, its not hard when you think about it.


The English Democrats? I don't know a lot about them. I know the Mayor of Doncaster is one. But he comes across as a bit of an idiot. I remember when he was elected, his first interview was with Toby Foster, and Toby ripped him to pieces and he's hardly Jeremy Paxman...


Why do you support them then?

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We're all human but there are different sub-species.Not everybody agrees with you on there being one race, unless you suggest that caucasions, mongoloids and negroids are all identical. If they are, then chihuahuas and dalmations are identical.


No there aren't.

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Why do you support them then?


I have never supported the BNP, or voted for them. I've said I'd march with the EDL. I agree with some of their ideas. In that the country needs to change tac. And start supporting the ordinary people who already live here, black or white, Eradicate Muslim extremists, especially those on benefit, stop overseas aid to basket case countries, stop all immigration, basically, I want Britain To Be Back British... That includes everyone who's loyal to the country and not conspiring its downfall, be they black or white....:D

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