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Japanese in Sheffield

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My brother born and bred in sheffield has spent the last five years in Japan. Now fluent he plans to live in Sheffield with his Japanese wife. Question is are there any Japanese groups that meet in Sheffield or any Japanese food supermarkets, so his wife can meet other Japanese people to stop her from getting homesick?


Does anyone know of any use of my brothers Japanese language skills combined with his business degree he got from Sheffield Hallam, anyone know of anything out there that could use these skills ?

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The University of Sheffield offer a range of courses in the School of East Asia Studies including a number of Japanese courses. There are quite a number of Japanese students at the Uni, and I'm sure there must be groups your brother's wife could contact.

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As far as I'm aware, the supermarkets around London Road are exclusively Chinese (though please correct me if I'm wrong!).


There is a wholesaler open to the public in Heeley that carries a range of Japanese products, and can get more to order:

http://www.lembas.co.uk 0114 2586056


or there's an excellent Japanese food, etc. retailer in London that does mail order:


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Thanks for the supermarket information, i'll pass that on. Has anyone got any ideas on how he can use his Japanese language / business skills here in Sheffield. Is there any demand in our city for them at all?


Yes he could tutor people for money a google search found me this they want language tutors in Sheffield and Japanese is one of the languages needed here is the link :)



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