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Can someone please help me?

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I am having great difficulty with my claim for Housing/Council Tax benefit at the moment.


I have been claiming since May 2011 and have made a satisfactory enough recovery to allow me to work a set number of hours per week i.e. 14 hours per week. This is classed as "permitted hours" and I can carry on claiming benefit whilst doing this.


Since taking the job which was 5 weeks ago, my claim for housing/council tax benefit has been suspended. Sheffield Benefit Office say they have contacted Department of Work and Pensions to confirm my hours worked are "permitted hours". The DWP say they have had no such enquiry and that Benefit Office shouldn't need confirmation of permitted hours from DWP.


I have rung each of them several times and I am now at my wits end. I don't know who to turn to. I am fighting two big organisations here and I am in the middle! I am the one suffering.


Please can anyone tell me which way to turn, who to talk to

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im afraid you may be at a loss there unless you put it in writing by way of an official complaint, i too am in the middle of these two organisations not talking to each other, not out of work much but got laid off in septemeber and made a claim for JSA

still havnt received housing benefit and council tax benefit, sheffield benefit office say they havnt received forms from DWP,

DWP say they have sent them 3 times since the initial claim, i then went to housing office and resubmitted everything myself last week, they still say they havnt received them

i too am at my wits end, i havnt even had an aknowledgment of my letter of complaint, its impossible

hope some one on here can give some insight on what next to do for BOTH of us, i really can empathise with you on your dire situation

good luck

GF x

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I am having great difficulty with my claim for Housing/Council Tax benefit at the moment.


I have been claiming since May 2011 and have made a satisfactory enough recovery to allow me to work a set number of hours per week i.e. 14 hours per week. This is classed as "permitted hours" and I can carry on claiming benefit whilst doing this.


Since taking the job which was 5 weeks ago, my claim for housing/council tax benefit has been suspended. Sheffield Benefit Office say they have contacted Department of Work and Pensions to confirm my hours worked are "permitted hours". The DWP say they have had no such enquiry and that Benefit Office shouldn't need confirmation of permitted hours from DWP.


I have rung each of them several times and I am now at my wits end. I don't know who to turn to. I am fighting two big organisations here and I am in the middle! I am the one suffering.


Please can anyone tell me which way to turn, who to talk to


This post is a week old so it may have been sorted out. If not, Howden House justifiably want to know what your new income is. As you're still entitled to get some JSA working less than 16 hours a week they're checking to see what your total income is (wages, JSA, etc). The system is slow, very slow. In the meantime give Howden House all the information they've asked for and if it's still not sorted out see




for a local advice service.

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