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I'm suprised at Derek Hatton's attitude towards "overweight" people.

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If anyones wondering who Derek Hatton is, he's that notorious union loony leftie back in the eighties that fell out with Neil Kinnock.


Any way, I can't find a handy link but Derek Hatton has been quite outspoken recently about overweight/obese people and how they are a burden on the NHS and the taxpayer. He considers overwight people "irresponsible" and a "disgrace"; thats the sort of language he uses on the matter.


People come in all shapes and sizes, so isn't having a derogatory attitude towards folk purely because of their physicality akin to racism and therefore quite unbecoming of an old leftie like him?

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Hatton was never a real left-winger but used the claim to advance his personal position for his own needs.He let down many in Liverpool and regularly appears as a Z-list celebrity on cooking programmes and similar dross.


He may have apoint about fat people gorging on cup cakes and seldom bothering to walk anywhere.My mate changes tyres and reckons people now change their tyres far more frequently due to their weight and overloading at the supermarket.

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