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Relationship breakdown - advice needed

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A relative of mine ended a relationship just over a year ago, after 10 years of mental abuse. They had a mortgage together, but he wasn't working, and hadn't been for a long time - my relative had paid the mortgage, all the bills, all the items for the home etc. However, in order to get away quickly, she left all the furniture and appliances in the home and just took her clothes.

The house has recently been sold, the money was split down the middle once the solicitors fees etc had been paid.

Now, the ex partners family are sending letters to my relatives work (they don't know her current address), claiming that she owes thousands towards bills ect, that were run up AFTER she had left the property. She has offered to pay the utility bills that were due just after she left, but they are saying it isn't acceptable, and that they are taking her to court.

She is with a new partner, and has recently suffered a miscarriage - the last thing she needs right now is this stress.

She is contemplating taking the letters to the solicitor who dealt with the sale of the house - but this could end up costing her a lot of money.

Is there anything else she could do? I'd like to tell her to ignore them, but is there any way she could end up in court? Also, I wouldn't put it past the family members to start visiting her work, which could end up getting her into trouble and putting her job at risk surely?

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If I were your relative I'd tell her to go fly a kite. I can't imagine any judge finding in his favour, if he takes her to court. The court would likely be small claims depending on the amount (it used to cater for upto £5000) and there's no reason why she can't defend herself very successfully in such a court.


If anybody starts harassing her at work I'd call the Police. All in all it sounds like he's a really nasty peice of work.

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Thanks all, I'll pass on the info. I THINK she can prove when she left - she stayed with friends for a little while before renting another place, but when she left, he called the police claiming she had brought people to beat him up :roll: (my husband and dad, who were there to ensure she was able to get her stuff and that he or his family wouldn't attack her) the police then attended and ensured my sister was able to collect her personal belongings, so I'm guessing there will be a report somewhere if needed (would be nice to think his actions backfired on him!)

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