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What a Completely Idiotic Disciplinary Hearing.

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AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH - he is not mature enough to consent and especially not to a 30 year old woman. Most teens, male and female, are impressionable and vulnerable. They feel flattered by the attention perhaps and are not equipped emotionally to turn someone down and often feel pressured into sex even with people of their own age, never mind someone twice it. What this woman did is reprehensible, she took advantage of this boy and abused her position. Talk about double standards.:mad:


Frank bangs his head against the wall rapidly...Suffy's in town, she always has this effect on him...


As I have said before on this thread. I was having sex when I was 14 with someone older. I didn't feel abused or anything like that. It has not affected my life in the least. I don't regret it, I was happy for it to happen. As were most of my friends who were also doing it.


I am talking about the youth in the report and not in general. He doesn't appear to have suffered in anyway, so why waste everyone's time prosecuting the woman when nobody has been effected. A warning would have been sufficient.


If you want a discussion about the age of consent then start a thread on that very subject. I'm not justifying any other cases, the subject in general, or individual cases, other than this one.




And in particularly for you, you little hotty...:love:

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It depends on the individual. I managed to buy a pint in a pub 2 weeks before my 13th birthday,
Is that a reflection on your emotional maturity or the fact you were the only 12 year old in Sheffield with a beard who knew how to apply Brylcreem?

and by 15 could pass for 21 and converse with adults on many levels.

I'm assuming those adults had the mental capacity of children Conny? :hihi:


At 15 I would not have been 'abused' as a result of nookie with an attractive 30-odd year old woman.

You may well have thought that at the time, I'm sure I wouldn't have turned it down either. However how would it have affected our development in terms of women, appropriate behaviour around them and future relationships if such liaisons were permissible?
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AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH - he is not mature enough to consent and especially not to a 30 year old woman. Most teens, male and female, are impressionable and vulnerable. They feel flattered by the attention perhaps and are not equipped emotionally to turn someone down and often feel pressured into sex even with people of their own age, never mind someone twice it. What this woman did is reprehensible, she took advantage of this boy and abused her position. Talk about double standards.:mad:


Some people say we evolved some say we were created, either way we have the ability to reproduce from a young age. It makes you wonder why we were created or evolved without the ability to make emotional decisions. I now I could make emotional decisions at that age and my kids have the ability to make decision.

Age is irrelevant he could be mature enough to consent; he just not old enough according to the law.

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. . . . You may well have thought that at the time, I'm sure I wouldn't have turned it down either. However how would it have affected our development in terms of women, appropriate behaviour around them and future relationships if such liaisons were permissible?
I really, genuinely don't think so.


Males and females are not the same. If a grown man broke the seal on an underage daughter of mine, I'd probably think 'damn the consequences' and blow his head off.


But an older woman with a 15 year old lad in the situation described? . . . I'd be tempted to pat him on the back and say 'that's my boy!'.

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It depends on the individual. I managed to buy a pint in a pub 2 weeks before my 13th birthday, and by 15 could pass for 21 and converse with adults on many levels. At 15 I would not have been 'abused' as a result of nookie with an attractive 30-odd year old woman.


That may very well be the case, and there is no doubt that young adults reach maturity at different times. But the same applies to girls as well as boys. (In fact, if anything I would say that girls become more responsible at a slightly earlier age than boys, and this is reflected in their better exam results.)


As Cyclone and others point out, there are double standards in play. 15 year old boys and girls are not legally capable of consenting. It seems sensible for the law to treat adults that abuse their position with respect to obtaining sex from children, irrespective of their gender, but it doesn't seem to.


Why should it be any different to the laws that protect under-age drinkers? The law will not treat the publican any differently if they are caught serving alcohol to 17 year old boys or girls, irrespective of their maturity or ability to stay sober.

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Males and females are not the same. If a grown man broke the seal on an underage daughter of mine, I'd probably think 'damn the consequences' and blow his head off.


But an older woman with a 15 year old lad in the situation described? . . . I'd be tempted to pat him on the back and say 'that's my boy!'.


I agree.


Males and females are not the same. If a publican served alcohol to an underage daughter of mine, I'd probably think 'damn the consequences' and blow their head off.


But if an underage lad of mine managed to trick a publican into serving him alcohol? . . . I'd be tempted to pat him on the back and say 'that's my boy!'


Oh wait, no, I don't agree. That's just misogynistic nonsense that belongs in Victorian England, or if not about alcohol, some Islamic state.

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I think young people mature at different rates and some 15 year olds will have relationships with older partners, some will relish this experience, some will live to regret it. Whichever, it's up to responsible adults to just 'not even go there', whoever the young person is and whatever level of their maturity. And why would you if you had a bit of common sense and decency?


Is it just me who thinks this woman has done something, well, creepy? What 30-odd year old woman would be interested in a 15 year old youth, why would she want to be messing about with him whilst his mates hung around sniggering? Bizarre behaviour.


Another thing, how did Bill Wymen ever get away with having a relationship with the then 13-year old Mandy Smith? Granted, she was very precocious, but it was splashed all over the papers at the time, and I can remember thinking 'but this is so illegal'. What was that all about?

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I think young people mature at different rates and some 15 year olds will have relationships with older partners, some will relish this experience, some will live to regret it. Whichever, it's up to responsible adults to just 'not even go there', whoever the young person is and whatever level of their maturity. And why would you if you had a bit of common sense and decency?


Is it just me who thinks this woman has done something, well, creepy? What 30-odd year old woman would be interested in a 15 year old youth, why would she want to be messing about with him whilst his mates hung around sniggering? Bizarre behaviour.


Another thing, how did Bill Wymen ever get away with having a relationship with the then 13-year old Mandy Smith? Granted, she was very precocious, but it was splashed all over the papers at the time, and I can remember thinking 'but this is so illegal'. What was that all about?


Times have changed and Bill would have been, rightly, banged up if he did the same these days...

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