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Number Quiz.. let's see the 'squares' on the forum.

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This got me! :mad:, but I know it now :), I was close, (and hate to admit it) but no cigar :(


You will need either a scientific calculator, or mathematical brain (a mathematician will know it so shut it!). :)


Here goes:


You can play about with these numbers using all the buttons on your calculator.


1, 1, and 1.


You need to make 24.


(there are so many posters on here, so it's likely someone knows this, so if you have seen it before and know it, don't spoil it please!, just post that you know if you have to :))


It's not a trick question as I thought it was, it's easily done (when you know how)



example to get you started...


(1+1=2, 2 cubed is 8, times the other 1 = 8 - :nono: wrong!, but you get the idea)

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I have a solution but it relies on using the 0 that is on the screen when I turn my calculator on. Is that allowed?


Edit: Actually it doesn't give the correct answer - I was being an idiot.



I've now worked out how to do it a different way.

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