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Cameron says Jobless rise is disappointing.

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What is it with Cameron, his government are putting people out of work in the public sector saying the private sector will create jobs for them. while his government make over 3000 people jobless at Bombardier. He says he is disappointed with the rise in unemployment, how disappointed does he think the people being made jobless by his government feel with all the rising prices and limited chances of getting a job.

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From memory (which is fallible in my case) , Bombardier are cutting 1,400 jobs at their old train plant. Siemens are creating 2,000 at their new train plant.


Oh, and Siemens will create lots of construction jobs too.

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Food factory recently closed in Sheffield, production moved to Scotland, food factory in Donny likely to close too, production to move to Wales.


People invest their money in Buy To Let, buying housing at the top of a bubble hoping to rent it out at rates higher than they could achieve in a free-market. They create nothing, and extract everything, subsidised by the taxpayer.


People don't invest in production.


We are well and truly fked. Your pension is going to be destroyed. Capital flight will take place, hyperinflation is likely and a whole host of executions and civil war to take place afterwards.

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Production moved to Scotland, Wales... so what? Firms invest in production where they feel is most conducive to business success which in turn puts our benefits in your pocket.




Hyperinflation? Civil war? Executions? You should try spending your money on your home instead of whatever it is that you are smoking.

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Cameron is confused or cunning. He puts his trust in the private sector to create jobs (fine), yet trusts the current banking system to efficiently deliver credit to these businesses. Even if they do, the result is further compounded interest.


Nothing will truly change until the banking system changes. Even Mervyn "the guv'nor" King said: "of all the many ways of organising banking, the worst is the one we have today".

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From memory (which is fallible in my case) , Bombardier are cutting 1,400 jobs at their old train plant. Siemens are creating 2,000 at their new train plant.


Oh, and Siemens will create lots of construction jobs too.


The 2,000 jobs Siemens claim to be creating are in the supply chain and whole life maintainance of the trains. There will be no new train plant, all assembly will be done in Germany (like every other Siemens train operating in the uk today.) If we take supply chain into consideration like Siemens have done then there are upto 20,000 jobs at risk now, and the whole life maintainance was stipulated in the ITT so would have been created regardless of who won.

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What is it with Cameron, his government are putting people out of work in the public sector saying the private sector will create jobs for them. while his government make over 3000 people jobless at Bombardier. He says he is disappointed with the rise in unemployment, how disappointed does he think the people being made jobless by his government feel with all the rising prices and limited chances of getting a job.
the jobs market has needed a haircut for years!.......people in this country are going to have to get used to working for less wages like lots do in other countries.For instance why have 2000 jobs got to go in the BBC?why not everyone at the Beeb take a wage reduction (some a massive reduction) and spread the money round to keep the 2000 employed? Ah! I hear you say the unions would never stand for that!............well they had best get used to the idea,because the vast majority of people on over £50k pa,are not worth that to the country any more,and there are plenty under £50k who are stealing their wages in one form or another from the economy!

A 20% cut above a certain salary plus a 20% drop in the monopoly money housing market and a 20% drop in benefit claimants, might allow us to regain ground lost this last two decades,and this is only a start!

Just ask yourselves,where are real jobs going to come from before you go waving banners, striking, and waving degrees about...................out of thin air?

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What is it with Cameron, his government are putting people out of work in the public sector saying the private sector will create jobs for them. while his government make over 3000 people jobless at Bombardier. He says he is disappointed with the rise in unemployment, how disappointed does he think the people being made jobless by his government feel with all the rising prices and limited chances of getting a job.


Cameron saying that is akin to someone shooting another through the head with a high powered rifle then expressing disappointment that they are dead.

Cameron is creating unemployment purposely.

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Cameron saying that is akin to someone shooting another through the head with a high powered rifle then expressing disappointment that they are dead.

Cameron is creating unemployment purposely.


The Tories always do.


Reducing the wages bill brings in more profit for the company.


This is the heart of capitalism, the few get rich on the backs of the many. Tories always put the love of money before the love of people. That is why they are very sad people in need of help.

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the jobs market has needed a haircut for years!.......people in this country are going to have to get used to working for less wages like lots do in other countries.For instance why have 2000 jobs got to go in the BBC?why not everyone at the Beeb take a wage reduction (some a massive reduction) and spread the money round to keep the 2000 employed? Ah! I hear you say the unions would never stand for that!............well they had best get used to the idea,because the vast majority of people on over £50k pa,are not worth that to the country any more,and there are plenty under £50k who are stealing their wages in one form or another from the economy!

A 20% cut above a certain salary plus a 20% drop in the monopoly money housing market and a 20% drop in benefit claimants, might allow us to regain ground lost this last two decades,and this is only a start!

Just ask yourselves,where are real jobs going to come from before you go waving banners, striking, and waving degrees about...................out of thin air?


Can you please quote which years £FIAT your using for future reference. This is 2011 and you appear to be quoting 2007 £.


£100k will soon be a poor wage as inflation lets rip.

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