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The difference is the fine you can get for blocking a proper box junction...it may be unsocial to block an ordinary junction but not an offence,in it's own right anyway..


A yellow box junction can also exist in it's own right without traffic lights, although that seems to be rare now.


You sometimes see them where you musn't block them, like a railway level crossing or to demark areas like a bus crossover where queueung traffic may hold up a priority bus for example.

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Dont be daft. Everyone knows that once the light turns red you have a couple of milliseconds grace to go through.


Not if Amber = stop, though.

See page 102 of HC.

And not if someone is coming through from the sides on Green+Amber (which also = Stop).

See page 102, oh I'm repeating myself.

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your all right. i am wrong. happy now?


i though will contine to not enter junctions until i can exit them.

i will continue to not go through an amber light.

i will continue to not be sat in the middle of a junction when the lights change.

i will continue to not put myself in any situation where someone can come into the side of me because i am parked across their lane.



i will also continue to have no accidents. over 30 yrs without a dent to me means i am doing something right.


i am out of here.

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your all right. i am wrong. happy now?


i though will contine to not enter junctions until i can exit them.

i will continue to not go through an amber light.

i will continue to not be sat in the middle of a junction when the lights change.

i will continue to not put myself in any situation where someone can come into the side of me because i am parked across their lane.



i will also continue to have no accidents. over 30 yrs without a dent to me means i am doing something right.


i am out of here.


No accidents but unwilling to learn and stuck in your ways.

You'll continue to hold up traffic and fail to progress when turning right at traffic lights. You'll be safe, but still wrong and still annoying those behind you.

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your all right. i am wrong. happy now?


i though will contine to not enter junctions until i can exit them.

i will continue to not go through an amber light.

i will continue to not be sat in the middle of a junction when the lights change.

i will continue to not put myself in any situation where someone can come into the side of me because i am parked across their lane.



i will also continue to have no accidents. over 30 yrs without a dent to me means i am doing something right.


i am out of here.



So if you are turning right at a 4 way junction with lights you will sit at the stop line until the path is clear? Do you do this even if there is only room for a single row of cars at the lights? I have to say I have never seen this. You must spend a lot of time with people behind you beeping their horn.

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Right a few questions for drivers. I know what I do but what is actually correct and do we all do it.


At a crossroads with a car opposite and both with a give way line who has priority? Does it depend on which way each of you is turning or who arrived first?



A defensive driver would give priority to any car wanting to turn left or take the road ahead thereby preventing any conflict.

A defensive driver wanting to turn left or take the road ahead with a car opposite wanting to turn right would be prepared to take priority but would be ready and willing to give priority to avoid conflict.

Life would be easier if every driver wanting to turn right gave priority to drivers turning left or taking the road ahead. Some drivers feel because they arrived first gives them priority but it doesn’t, in some situation no one would know who arrived first.

Think about how you deal with a traffic light controlled crossroads, very few people will turn right in front of cars driving ahead or turning left, but they think it’s about who got there first at crossroads with no light.

The advice is to get eye contact with the driver opposite, be ready to move and prepared to wait.




At a 4 way traffic light controlled junction what should you do if turning right? What happens if there are cars already waiting to turn right? Do you join the queue if there is room to fully cross the stop line? At what point do you not join the queue waiting to turn right?



Only join the queue if there will be time to turn right before the traffic to your left and right get their green light. Many traffic lights at crossroads are also pedestrian crossing so make sure you don’t block the crossing.



Taking the third exit of a roundabout when the exit is blocked, where do you wait?

Try not to stop in apposition that would prevent cars joining the roundabout to turn right or take the road ahead.

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So if you are turning right at a 4 way junction with lights you will sit at the stop line until the path is clear? Do you do this even if there is only room for a single row of cars at the lights? I have to say I have never seen this. You must spend a lot of time with people behind you beeping their horn.


nope. but i do see a lot of people getting beeped at when they are parked in a junction accross the oncomming traffic because they went into a junction and couldnt get out.


drive how you like, i will drive my way, one of us wont have or cause any accidents.

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How can you not get out of a junction where you are going to turn right if the only obstruction when you enter is oncoming traffic?


Neither of us will cause an accident, but one of us will take much longer to turn right at traffic lights.

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nope. but i do see a lot of people getting beeped at when they are parked in a junction accross the oncomming traffic because they went into a junction and couldnt get out.


drive how you like, i will drive my way, one of us wont have or cause any accidents.


So you are saying in the scenario descibed in my post you would wait at the stop line if the only reason you couldn't turn right was oncoming traffic? I can't believe anyone can think that is the correct thing to do? What about all the cars waiting to go straight on stuck behind you? You would be basically sat at a green light? I don't know anyone who wouldn't get annoyed at someone doing that. It even sounds pretty close to being some kind of motoring offence if done deliberately.

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