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Employment agencies are parasites.

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Heres some advice for the OP. Not happy with how agencies work, don't you them. Go find a job off your own back.


If employers exclusively contract to agencies then your exhortation is futile and belies knowledge of the real labour market,not the Micky Mouse version you seem to subscribe to.

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If employers exclusively contract to agencies then your exhortation is futile and belies knowledge of the real labour market,not the Micky Mouse version you seem to subscribe to.



Very true. On some jobs the labour is left to a particular agency to deal with. If you don't go through that agency, you don't get on the job.

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They use the skills of others to make themselves huge sums of money. I think that there is no room for them in the employment chain. If a company wishes to pay me £xxxxxxx for my skills I want ALL of that money because they are MY SKILLS!

I do not want a bunch of parasites wedging themselves inbetween and taking a slice of the action. I do not know why companies use the no good parasites in the first place!


I can agree with this with certain agencies, whilst others seem to be very upfront and transparent with their margins. I used to use agencies for contract work and some of them are absolute parasites.

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Would you explain as I have never come across this.


For reasons i do not understand, agencies can not pay a self employed construction worker direct (I do not know if it applies to any other workers). Instead they give the money to a composite company and this composite company give me my wages, minus 25-30 pounds, depending on which one you use.


It has been this way for years. Someone once explained it all to me but it went over my head :blush:

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if you work for an agency get used to it because they will soon all be doing it


My experience of agencies is limited and I hope to keep it that way. My limited experiences have led me to believe that they are a bunch of no good scheming ,lying, greedy, no good parasites. Apart from that they seem ok:)

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For reasons i do not understand, agencies can not pay a self employed construction worker direct (I do not know if it applies to any other workers). Instead they give the money to a composite company and this composite company give me my wages, minus 25-30 pounds, depending on which one you use.


It has been this way for years. Someone once explained it all to me but it went over my head :blush:


Sounds like a con to me.


I've worked through quite a few different agencies and always invoice them directly (some run a self invoicing service which is nice). We're in different industries, but it's never made a difference to me whether I invoice my end client or an agency.

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For reasons i do not understand, agencies can not pay a self employed construction worker direct (I do not know if it applies to any other workers). Instead they give the money to a composite company and this composite company give me my wages, minus 25-30 pounds, depending on which one you use.


It has been this way for years. Someone once explained it all to me but it went over my head :blush:


What they explained was probably just a load of gobbledy gook meant to confuse. It just sounds like another nice little earner for parasites to me.

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