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Employment agencies are parasites.

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My experience of agencies is limited and I hope to keep it that way. My limited experiences have led me to believe that they are a bunch of no good scheming ,lying, greedy, no good parasites. Apart from that they seem ok:)
you hit the nail on the head there :hihi: .i wonder why the governments let these spring up in all sectors of work giving the workers no job security/no pension schemes/no redundancy protection :suspect:
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If employers exclusively contract to agencies then your exhortation is futile and belies knowledge of the real labour market,not the Micky Mouse version you seem to subscribe to.


Yes i know that and i don't subscribe to some mickey mouse labour market you seem to think i do.


The OP isn't happy how agencies work, so as i said just don't use them. That of course may limit their employment opportunities but there isnt really much the OP can do about it.


Get work thru the agency route or don't.

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Heres some advice for the OP. Not happy with how agencies work, don't you them. Go find a job off your own back.


I have worked in a distribution warehouse for many years ,and our company havnt taken on any permenant staff for over 5 years, but ive seen that many agency staff come and go in that time, im surprised our head office havnt fitted a revolving door in the warehouse. :hihi::hihi:


There are half a dozen agency lads that have been here for over 2 years, but our company still havnt taken them on full time.


My point is that most jobs in my industry ( warehouse) only use agency staff now ,so if your a fork driver for instance , the only jobs out there are through agencys -so you have no choice but to use an employment agency.

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I have worked in a distribution warehouse for many years ,and our company havnt taken on any permenant staff for over 5 years, but ive seen that many agency staff come and go in that time, im surprised our head office havnt fitted a revolving door in the warehouse. :hihi::hihi:


There are half a dozen agency lads that have been here for over 2 years, but our company still havnt taken them on full time.


My point is that most jobs in my industry ( warehouse) only use agency staff now ,so if your a fork driver for instance , the only jobs out there are through agencys -so you have no choice but to use an employment agency.


Will this still be possible with the new legislation?

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Will this still be possible with the new legislation?


To be honest , i wouldnt know ,as im only a shop floor worker . There will be others posting on this thread who will have far greater knowledge of this than i do .

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Will this still be possible with the new legislation?
after 12 weeks the agency worker will have the same rights as a person on the books. why this country has to stand for the first 12 weeks to be eligible for this is beyond me (if you work for the same agency say in france these rights start from day 1 and i thought we were in the eu:huh:) also agencies who keep renewing contracts every 11 weeks will be seen to be avoiding the new legistation and could be fined up to £5000(good) i hope its a way of employers taking more people on the books and the agency doing what they were set up to do in the first place and provide temporary workers covering short time work/maternity leave/etc
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after 12 weeks the agency worker will have the same rights as a person on the books. why this country has to stand for the first 12 weeks to be eligible for this is beyond me (if you work for the same agency say in france these rights start from day 1 and i thought we were in the eu:huh:) also agencies who keep renewing contracts every 11 weeks will be seen to be avoiding the new legistation and could be fined up to £5000(good) i hope its a way of employers taking more people on the books and the agency doing what they were set up to do in the first place and provide temporary workers covering short time work/maternity leave/etc


Maybe where the work has little skill and there is an abundant supply of workers the agency will merely get rid of people after 11 weeks and get a new lot in?

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Maybe where the work has little skill and there is an abundant supply of workers the agency will merely get rid of people after 11 weeks and get a new lot in?
we know how it works and so does the agency but hopefully whistleblowing by people in the know will stop this practice:hihi:
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For reasons i do not understand, agencies can not pay a self employed construction worker direct (I do not know if it applies to any other workers). Instead they give the money to a composite company and this composite company give me my wages, minus 25-30 pounds, depending on which one you use.


It has been this way for years. Someone once explained it all to me but it went over my head :blush:


Hi mate, the composite company is not one i;ve heard of as obviously i invoice my customers direct but a google search through this up which seems to suggest they are long defunct as a trading style. If you want to PM me happy to have a look at any contracts you've got to see if it looks like someones been lifting your leg. (not an expert my any means but i'm fairly good at spotting stuff that doesn't look right)

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