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Lets put Islam and the west's relationship into some real context.

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As do HSBC. I had to open a couple of accounts a short while ago, and I have An Amanah account, which neither charges nor pays interest, and an ordinary current account, but I made a special arrangement with the bank that this, too, neither pays nor charges interest.


Recently my bank called me to tell me that my savings were in an account that didn't give me any interest. She wanted me to change it so I could get high Interest.. I kept saying no thanks, but she kept persisting. I told her - I am Muslim...I am not bothered about Interest.. That shocked her! :rolleyes:

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Maybe they're not right now but a few years back they were.

Blowing up statues

Executing educated women

Training the 911 terrorists

Banning photographs etc, etc,etc.

And when the west leaves they'll be back doing it again and sending out/funding/training yet more weternerphobe/israeliaphobe terrorists then we'll not only have Pakistan to worry about regarding harbouring/training terrorists (which no doubt our overseas aid funds).


So are you basing your thoughts on what has happened and what you believe will happen rather than what is happening then?

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I don't need to, you're the one's still trying desperately to put the Western/Islamic relationship into context but it's little more than contrived propoganda and hate, your an antagonist at best and no less extreme in your beliefs than the one's you condemn.



So you're not an antagonist then? At least I have evidence and the brass balls to support what I say.

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I could have, let's face who're still burning books.


We had this conversation. You contradicted yourself so much that even you couldn't deny it, so you gave up replying, although you have obviously been active on this thread in the meantime.


Now, days and pages later, you finally reply, saying pretty much the same thing as what sparked our last exchange, as if that never happened, and as if you hadn't ended up so completely contradicting yourself that even you weren't shameless enough to try and brazen your way out of it.


I have been told goldfish have a three second memory, so that every time they do a circuit of their bowl, it all seems new to them.

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So you're not an antagonist then? At least I have evidence and the brass balls to support what I say.


I'm not the one inciting people to oppose muslims so no i'm not and it takes no bravado at all to make your case on a forum really. Stand in the middle of Sheffield City Centre and do the same.

The evidence to support the Wests use of torture before during and after 9/11 is readily available on the internet, me posting links wont alter your feelings though or cause you to rethink.

I'm not disputing the atrocities inflicted by extremists neither am I suggesting that either side is in the right what I've said is that violence on both sides will only succeed in causing more violence.

You and a few others are expecting everyone to fall in line and support your twisted view of life and put an end to a supposed Muslim infiltration. It's a view that will never change regardless of what you see or hear.

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I could have, let's face who're still burning books.


The most books burned in the last 10 years have been in the USA, usually Christians burning Harry Potter books. They failed to burn the Quran ("dude, you got no Quran")


The US Department of Defense burned 10,000 copies of one book at a single sitting.


But don't let the facts get in the way of a good spittle flecked rant eh?

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I still dont understand what al quaeda are trying to achieve and why jews are hated round the world ,i think its much deeper than just land occupation ,dare i say because of there love of making money that they have been persecuted.As i said, i dont get religion over the years its just caused endless wars.


usually cos they stick together in business (the jewish business mafia) in some one elses country:)

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