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Dettol - No Touch Handwash Dispenser; What is the point?

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My example was of a standard hand wash pump that has been around for sometime and worked quite well?



Aye, but your title says, "No Touch Handwash Dispenser" which is a different animal to the pump dispenser, which you have to pump manualy.





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I think the designers/ manufacturers are fervently hoping that unsuspecting parents/ grandparents of under eights (or thereabouts) will be naive enough to fall for buying this item.


They then plan to sit back, laughing all the way to the bank as said < 8's play the fun game of "put hand near sensor, then pull it away quickly enough so the soap goes on the sink, and not in the hand, rinse-and-repeat till dispenser is empty"


That game results in lots of wonga for the manufacturers, as the parents/ g-parents then, repeatedly, trudge out to the shops and buy refills for the machine, until at least such time as they realise that they are falling for the trick foisted on them by manufacturers and (grand)children alike.

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The idea has existed in public toilets for years.


Except that after you wash your hands in a public toilet, the door handle to leave the toilet will be chock full of the dirt & bacteria from the scutters who don't wash their hands.

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I think the designers/ manufacturers are fervently hoping that unsuspecting parents/ grandparents of under eights (or thereabouts) will be naive enough to fall for buying this item.


They then plan to sit back, laughing all the way to the bank as said < 8's play the fun game of "put hand near sensor, then pull it away quickly enough so the soap goes on the sink, and not in the hand, rinse-and-repeat till dispenser is empty"


That game results in lots of wonga for the manufacturers, as the parents/ g-parents then, repeatedly, trudge out to the shops and buy refills for the machine, until at least such time as they realise that they are falling for the trick foisted on them by manufacturers and (grand)children alike.


Basically you are right. They work by preying on the fears and insecurites of people that if they dont get one of these little Jack and Jill will die of leprosy, or Ebola, or bubonic plauge from toching a dirty tap, or heaven forbid, a bar of soap. What's wrong with Imperial leather anyway?


IF you wanted to be perfectly safe, get a bar of proper carbolic soap. There is nowt will live on the surface of that for very long. It does reek though....


My GP has a pragmatic view and wont countenance Dettol in his house. Killes 99.9% of all germs dead - leaving the remaining 0.01% of the fittest, strongest ones to breed and slaughter you when you have lunch time sarnies. As he says, if you dont stoke and challenge your immune system then it won't be in shape for when you need it...

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Basically you are right. They work by preying on the fears and insecurites of people that if they dont get one of these little Jack and Jill will die of leprosy, or Ebola, or bubonic plauge from toching a dirty tap, or heaven forbid, a bar of soap. What's wrong with Imperial leather anyway?


IF you wanted to be perfectly safe, get a bar of proper carbolic soap. There is nowt will live on the surface of that for very long. It does reek though....


My GP has a pragmatic view and wont countenance Dettol in his house. Killes 99.9% of all germs dead - leaving the remaining 0.01% of the fittest, strongest ones to breed and slaughter you when you have lunch time sarnies. As he says, if you dont stoke and challenge your immune system then it won't be in shape for when you need it...


some scientists have put forward a theory, that the massive rise in certain illnesses, and the allergies/ asthma boom, is a lot to do with the paranoid parents who make their children's environment too sterile with those cleaning products you refer to, and that the kids' immune systems can't cope when they come up against a but of dirt.


I agree with the old adage, "We've all got to 'eyt' a peck o' muck afore we die!"


By all means, be hygienic, wash your hands after using the loo, and before you eat, etc, wipe surfaces down before preparing food on them (And don't mix raw meat with veg when preparing) but you don't have to be operating-theatre-sterile.

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