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Apple scromping?

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I grew up at a time where you left the house at 8 in the morning and didn't get home until tea time. If you didn't scromp, you went hungry. It was part and parcel of everyday life for us. We knew where every apple, pear and plum tree was on the estate. We knew who had grapes growing in their greenhouses and who had the best strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries and rhubarb patches. We even ate those berries off the trees in City Rd cemetery when they were ripe.


Happy days ;)

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When the Stradbroke estate was first built in 1951, there was an apple orchard where the Stradbroke school was later built. We'd climb up the trees and fill our sweaters with apples. We suffered for it because we didn't wait until they were ripe and I don't think they were eating apples anyway. Plenty of trips to the bog afterwards.

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There was a great orchard at Aston with apples and pears.


We used to tuck our jumpers into the top of our trousers and fill our jumpers up, it did make climbing back over the 6' wall a bit difficult but it was worth the effort.


The pears were huge and juicy

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As kids it was one of our main pastimes in the summer,many,s the time i,ve been caught up a tree by an angry old sod who didn,t see the funny side,after a 20minute standoff I would make my break for freedom with varying degrees of success.To put the shoe on the other foot we had a small orchard at home which my little bro and I patrolled to keep the thieving little scroats out of,bloody scrumping little pests!.:confused::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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