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Union members' attitudes towards their non-union member colleagues.

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Employees in a unionised workplace that have chosen not to join the union are often resented by some of their colleagues that are union members, because the non-union members can of course reep the "benifits" that the union wins for the employees of the company even though they've not paid into the union.


I can understand why this causes some resentment, but isn't this attitude of the union members towards their non-union member colleagues akin to the capitalist approach, in as much as you as an individual get of of life what you put in, so if you dont join the union and pay into it you dont get the benefits of it?



"The working class can kiss my arse ...

I've got the foreman's job at last."


Good money being a convenor/Union executive.


I asked my convenore to intercede on my behalf (some years ago) but his son was married to the Bosses daughter.


"Oh well, there are many points to consider".


"The working class can kiss my arse,

I've got the foreman's job at last."

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Since he could only use legal reasons I'd have said that he was quite the opposite. Employees should know exactly where they stand but they have no need of a union anyway.


But I go back to my previous point - the best future is one where unions are simply unnecessary.


The trouble with that is that many people live their lives as the lowest common denominator. Excellence is a stranger to them. Unions only exist in that world, not in a better one.


Are you happy to live a substandard life?

he could only use legal reasons brought about by lies what part of not being dishonest dont you get about that :huh:.i also think many people dont live a substandard life due to unions getting better working conditions for the workers
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What a tediously ill-informed thread this is. Started with a strawman argument and continued with snippets of 'facts' learned from the Sun and Mail.


And along you came with reasoned arguments and to point out exactly where and why, in your opinion, we are wrong - Oh wait no you havn't, you've just stepped in and made an utterly useless post.


Thanks for coming anyway.

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he could only use legal reasons brought about by lies what part of not being dishonest dont you get about that :huh:.i also think many people dont live a substandard life due to unions getting better working conditions for the workers


You've got yourself hooked on Yossarian's dilemma again.

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