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Cold callers say the strangest things

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I keep getting calls on my landline from people trying to sell me Quran lessons for me or my kids. I do have a funny foreign name, but I've never been a muslim and i don't know where they've got my number from. The phone's registered in my other half's name, which is neither funny nor foreign. They always seem to call between about 9am and 7pmish

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Ask the caller for their home number and say you'll call them back at about 10.

The callers are always heavily accented, try to speak to me in what sounds like either arabic or urdu and seem to be calling on international numbers. I usually try to politely tell them 'no thanks', but occasionally, especially if i've brought home a load of work to do away from the office, i can be a bit short with them after the fourth or fifthcallof the day.

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There are exceptions with TPS. A survey call is one of them. Hence why these cold callers have started claiming to be a survey initially.


We are registered with TPS and have been receieving a lot of cold/scam type calls from random companies. I have since found out that these companies know that if they use out of UK then they can get round TPS and so even mentioning it to them they don't care. If you mention you are registered and they hang up you know they are in the Uk and you could try get them done for calling but as i said generally they get round it!


I had a call this week asking for Mrs watson - i informed the caller they had the wrong number and was about to hang up until they began to explain who and why they were calling. I again said they had the wrong number realising it was a dodgy scam call.....they again continued to tell me, and again i repeated that I was not who they wanted to speak to, to get a reply of 'I can tell you anyway' this made me giggle as again i interupted telling him he was wasting his time - but he was persistent...so i put the phone on speaker hung up the reciever and continued - took less than a minute for him to hang up.


I have also heard from my mum when they ask for a specific name to say you will just go get them, and leave phone on side until they give up.


Also as someone else mentioned, tell them its not convenient to talk right now and ask can you have their (personal) number to call them back. This happened to soemone I know and they were told by the company that they werent allowed to do that, to which my friend said something along the lines of ' why would that be, do you not want to be disturbed at home, well funnily enough neither do i!' phone was soon hung up!


I also know someone who has gone along with them (it was a call about computer being broken-if anyone has had this one) and so they were like oh yeah can you help me fix it....and as they were being told what to do they pretended to be doing it on their PC and then suddenly made up that an error box had appeared which said error code 55343 (for eg) and so panicked and asked what to do, obviously person on phone didnt know what to do and so friend kicked off explaining they had made it worse...kept this going for about 10 mins and finished by saying - maybe the problem is I'm on my ZXSpectrum :roll: and hung up!

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if I get a cold caller, I ask them for the name of the person they want to speak to, if they say anything other than a name then I ask them again, and again, and again until I get a name out of them, if they don't give me the right name I tell them so and I hang up, it's quite entertaining listening to them frantically try to get past me asking for a name until they pluck one out of the air and I tell them it's wrong

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