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Bring back proper apprenticeships and get youth working

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OK, lets bring the debate back to what the origional argument was.....YOU NUMBSKULLS:rant::rant: :hihi::hihi:


Instead of ploughing millions into failed left wing interests (youth workers, drugs etc.... things linked to unemployment) and also a failing education system....etc...etc...


We put that money into businesses so that they can train the almost 1 million unemployed and give them the skills that are needed for employment in 2011. Any specialist training such as Doctors etc...could be given to our brightest and give them the skills that are needed.


We then shut up shop to all foregn labour as we now have 1million plus workers with the skills needed.


To do this, we would need to bring back an education system that singled out people based on their ability, and not the money that there parents earned/the catchment area they lived in (which happen to have the better performing schools)


This would mean returning to something similar to a grammer school system.....and......er.....that sort of thing doesn't go down too well with the champaine socialists of the left........who don't like competition.....but enjoy a champaine lifestyle.....and....oh crikey.....force wages.....


That idea could upset the applecart


No, let keep with the current system.

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OK, lets bring the debate back to what the origional argument was.....YOU NUMBSKULLS:rant::rant: :hihi::hihi:


Instead of ploughing millions into failed left wing interests (youth workers, drugs etc.... things linked to unemployment) and also a failing education system....etc...etc...


We put that money into businesses so that they can train the almost 1 million unemployed and give them the skills that are needed for employment in 2011. Any specialist training such as Doctors etc...could be given to our brightest and give them the skills that are needed.


We then shut up shop to all foregn labour as we now have 1million plus workers with the skills needed.


To do this, we would need to bring back an education system that singled out people based on their ability, and not the money that there parents earned/the catchment area they lived in (which happen to have the better performing schools)


This would mean returning to something similar to a grammer school system.....and......er.....that sort of thing doesn't go down too well with the champaine socialists of the left........who don't like competition.....but enjoy a champaine lifestyle.....and....oh crikey.....force wages.....


That idea could upset the applecart


No, let keep with the current system.


nothing wrong with grammar schools, i went to one in warwichshire, one of the few places to still have them, however your 'stop foreign labour' comment, short of leaving the EU isn;t going tot happen any time soon

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So who is going to do the jobs like hospital porters, cleaners, fruit pickers, hotel staff etc. It's alright saying get our yoof into technically skilled jobs but you can't send em all back. And that's before saying that we can't stop eu immigration legally anymore than any other member state can. I agree we need a better trained workforce but considering some of the dullards coming out of school I'd try and sort that first.

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So who picked the fruit from the fields before the migrants took the jobs?


Who wheeled the sick around the hospitals before the mid 1990s?


Who did the portering jobs in the hotels before the migrants?


With regards EU immigration, if the supporters of the EU are so convinced that the general public support the EU then put it to a referendum to the entire country. If they get a "yes" vote, then the EU has a mandate to do whatever they wishn and if that means never ending immigration then so be it, thats what we have to accept.


But lets have that vote first.

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So who is going to do the jobs like hospital porters, cleaners, fruit pickers, hotel staff etc. It's alright saying get our yoof into technically skilled jobs but you can't send em all back. And that's before saying that we can't stop eu immigration legally anymore than any other member state can. I agree we need a better trained workforce but considering some of the dullards coming out of school I'd try and sort that first.




Not going to happen


The left support the policys that ruin the lives of millions.


Too many jobs at stake, all with very good salarys

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So who picked the fruit from the fields before the migrants took the jobs?


Who wheeled the sick around the hospitals before the mid 1990s?


Who did the portering jobs in the hotels before the migrants?


With regards EU immigration, if the supporters of the EU are so convinced that the general public support the EU then put it to a referendum to the entire country. If they get a "yes" vote, then the EU has a mandate to do whatever they wishn and if that means never ending immigration then so be it, thats what we have to accept.


But lets have that vote first.


Regular British folk of every colour sex and creed, all for not alot of money. Regular British folk don't want to do it any more.

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Regular British folk of every colour sex and creed, all for not alot of money. Regular British folk don't want to do it any more.




Lets give them a chance to prove you wrong.


After that, if they refuse to do the work, I will joing you in condeming our young

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Lets give them a chance to prove you wrong.


After that, if they refuse to do the work, I will joing you in condeming our young


What was the lifestyle of a porter 40 years ago till now? Do the wages pay enough for a comparable lifestyle today?

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Lets give them a chance to prove you wrong.


After that, if they refuse to do the work, I will joing you in condeming our young


I get the feeling that migrant workers are used as a reason for not working in many instances. It's too convenient for a large percentage of them. I agree there are some real lazy sods living off the backs of others though.

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