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How do I convince my boyfriend that he should learn to drive?

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the only driver in our house

how can I convince my boyfriend it would be quite practical for him to learn to drive as I dont want to be the only one who knows how to drive

he grew up in London so never saw the need but I really think he should

so any help or suggestions would be appreciated thanks

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the only driver in our house

how can I convince my boyfriend it would be quite practical for him to learn to drive as I dont want to be the only one who knows how to drive

he grew up in London so never saw the need but I really think he should

so any help or suggestions would be appreciated thanks


I think if hes okay with it, you shouldnt stress. Unless, you are the taxi for him to get to A to B. If thats the case, the least he should give you is a share in the petrol costs.


I gave up driving when I moved here and been glad I did. No more road rage, petrol, insurance and maintenance costs to put out of pocket to. My license, from where it was issued, expired earlier this year. If I wish to go back, Ill need to drive and have my UK license. Though, thats a problem for later than sooner. If I was to pass, I still wouldnt have a car

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I've been the non-driver in two long-term relationships and nothing on earth would have persuaded me. If he doesn't want to drive and there's no really pressing need (i.e. multiple children to transport, you live in the depths of the countryside, etc) then you may be on to a loser.


If he's taking advantage of your good nature in terms of lifts, though, then just tell him straight that's not acceptable. And get petrol money.

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the only driver in our house

how can I convince my boyfriend it would be quite practical for him to learn to drive as I dont want to be the only one who knows how to drive

he grew up in London so never saw the need but I really think he should

so any help or suggestions would be appreciated thanks

for a start stop being sexist :hihi:how many men on here whos other half dont drive yet take them shopping/taxiing there kids/etc yet dont complain :huh:
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I was really intrigue to look at this.


but forgive me why dont u go and find something better to moan about if the bloke wants to drive he will if he dont he wont?

what makes you think you have the authority to try and convince him he needs to drive if you feel like a taxi dont do it, etc if hes managing without a car whats the incentive? Alot of my friends drive but i dont and to be honest it hasnt really bothered me i dont need a car yet.

seriously just leave him to it.

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