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How do I convince my boyfriend that he should learn to drive?

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How long have you been driving, little boots? I was in the same position as you and as I had been driving for more than 3 years and was over 21, decided just to add my bf to my insurance (for a surprisingly small amount!) so he could 'have a little go' and see whether he really did hate it (he was convinced driving wasn't for him but had never tried)... He loved it! I ended up teaching him (not always the best idea I know) but it saved alot of money and he just ended up needing a few lessons with a qualified driving instructor to learn a couple of things I had missed. He passed his test with just 1 minor first time!! One year on he has his own car, is a fantastic taxi service and doesn't let me drive anywhere :-)


Oh and just to add, my car is still in one piece too

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the only driver in our house

how can I convince my boyfriend it would be quite practical for him to learn to drive as I dont want to be the only one who knows how to drive

he grew up in London so never saw the need but I really think he should

so any help or suggestions would be appreciated thanks


Threaten to give him the elbow. If you are worth going out with, you are worth being driven home occasionally.

I’ve come across these types of guys before. They just want to be chauffeured around, and having a driving licence would get in the way of that, and very likely get in the way of their drinking.

You are going to have to face up to this one day unless you want the permanent chauffeur position. Better to do it sooner than later.

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How long have you been driving, little boots? I was in the same position as you and as I had been driving for more than 3 years and was over 21, decided just to add my bf to my insurance (for a surprisingly small amount!) so he could 'have a little go' and see whether he really did hate it (he was convinced driving wasn't for him but had never tried)... He loved it! I ended up teaching him (not always the best idea I know) but it saved alot of money and he just ended up needing a few lessons with a qualified driving instructor to learn a couple of things I had missed. He passed his test with just 1 minor first time!! One year on he has his own car, is a fantastic taxi service and doesn't let me drive anywhere :-)


Oh and just to add, my car is still in one piece too


I have been driving since turning 17 was my mum and dad's birthday pressie that year he has had a go a few times but quite unsure if he wants to do it We talked bout it last night and he sez when we have kids he will for sure then I would have no worries starting him out by teaching him before he could have a few proper lessons with a qualified instructor so cheers for advice Tiger lily

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Threaten to give him the elbow. If you are worth going out with, you are worth being driven home occasionally.

I’ve come across these types of guys before. They just want to be chauffeured around, and having a driving licence would get in the way of that, and very likely get in the way of their drinking.

You are going to have to face up to this one day unless you want the permanent chauffeur position. Better to do it sooner than later.


There's a message in there - somewhere.


My brother (who retired in August) never had a driving licence.


I once asked him 'Why not?' and he said 'Because I'm no bloody good at it!'


Fair comment.


I ride motorcycles. I enjoy riding bikes (well, not so much around here where it's flat and the roads go in straight lines.) Speed is not a factor. - My bike will do about 135, but I spent a chunk of my life doing about 600 50 feet above the ground, so speed on the ground is boring.


I jioned the IAM (bikes) (which is probably why I'm still alive to write this ... they taught me how not to kill myself.)


Eventually, somebody said: "Why don't you do the car test?" "Because I don't like driving a bloody car" " That's a good reason to do the course."


It was indeed. I learned to transpose the bike skills to the car; I learned how to make the car do exactly what I want and I began to enjoy driving a tin can.


I prefer to ride a bike - but when I drive a car, I try to do so as well as I can.


But if you (or anybody else) don't want to drive a car ...What's the problem?


Are there no taxis in Sheffield?

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I prefer to ride a bike - but when I drive a car, I try to do so as well as I can.


But if you (or anybody else) don't want to drive a car ...What's the problem?


Are there no taxis in Sheffield?


There are indeed taxis in Sheffield. I quite often use them. There are also some very nice pubs and restaurants out in Derbyshire that I like to use too. I meet friends in them a couple of times a week. Now I'm sure a taxi driver would be happy to whip us out to the Monsal Head and back, and probably charge £80 or £90 to do so. But when we have a car that's the way we will be travelling. So when a boyfriend asks me out to the Monsal a few times I wouldn't expect him to land me with the driving each time whilst he landed himself with drinking the wine. It isn't going to be a problem if it occurs once or twice, but I could see it really starting to irritate after a year or two.


By the way I don't have a problem riding pillion on a bike, although dress code for dinner might be an issue.

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As a couple you should weigh up the pros and cons of him (and you both) driving.


The cost is a very big factor. Parking for two cars? Need for two cars?


Your insurance will most likely be cheaper, and unless petrol hits £5, maybe even £10 a Litre, insurance will quite likely be the biggest factor to consider.

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the only driver in our house

how can I convince my boyfriend it would be quite practical for him to learn to drive as I dont want to be the only one who knows how to drive

he grew up in London so never saw the need but I really think he should

so any help or suggestions would be appreciated thanks


Everytime he asks for a lift give him the number of the local taxi firm lololol

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