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Could you stab your own countrymen in the back, for unlimited money?

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Looking at the Greeks, I can't help but think that their political class are completely stabbing their own countrymen in the back.


While the average greek is facing ruin, and their lives being destroyed, there political masters are enjoying financial rewards from the EU, that gives them money that is beyond their wildest dreams, so its hardly suprising that their Euro MPs are so against coming out of the EU.


But what would you do if you were in there situation?


Just imagine, in return for more money than you can dream off you are given a job that gives you so much money and expenses, you can now afford


  • To travel anywhere in a private jet or helicopter
  • To afford 5 star luxury, which you can claim as expenses
  • TO be able to purchase any car, regardless of price
  • TO be able to afford housing, regardless of price
  • Your children get private school education, access to the best universitys and best life chances
  • Money is not an object - in fact you cannot spend it fast enough


You are given this financial reward in return for a job


BUT...........there is a catch


You have to approve the policys that will completely destroy the lives of your countrymen and their lives will become a living hell, and you have to support without question, the policys that are suggested.


We are not talking about killing people, more imposing rules that make the lives of these people (your countrymen) almost impossible.


Could you do it - could you accept this job?


Provided the people (the countrymen) do not rise up and start a civil war/major unrest, then you will enjoy the good life, but then you have to hope they never rise up and take action.

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The choice would be to opt for the exact opposite. Not much of a choice. I'd like to think i'd say no but its dependant on a lot of other factors, family for one. Could I reduce their lives to little more than a peasant scraping to make any kind of living. I'd be in the company of my fellow countrymen sure but where would it get me.

Opting for the untold riches would in the event of an uprising afford the opportunity to leave it behind. In Greece the likelihood of an uprising is very real, in England i'm not so sure at present. The so called middle classes are still fairly comfortable and perhaps not of the mind to rock any boats.

Could i live with crapping on someone is the question and the answer is I don't think i could.

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I don't think we are at Greeces stage yet, but when you consider nearly 1 million young people with no propects, and the political class stabbing them in the back trouble can't be too far away.


That is simply one area.


When you watch Newsnight and you see the EU Representatives being questioned, I get the impression that they know full well that they know they are supporting somthing that is causing living hell for their fellow countrymen, but trying to justify what is going on. They seem less convincing each and every week.


Only the other week on Newnight, an anti-eu bloke from I think it was the telegraph, called the Greek EU man a traitor and an idiot, to which he walked off and left the debate.


I do think that if someone insults you or accuses you of being x,y or z, and you know there is lots of truth in what is being said (ie, you are what you are being accused of) then its a natural human reaction to get away.

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From my perspective it seems wrong but i'm basing it from my level, I don't have the responsibility of a country to think of. To be in that position when advisors tell you that it is for the best, when advisors layout the plan and lean towards the pro's then perhaps the decision is made for you. Do I risk an entire country dying, can I live with that on my conscience?The alternative to borrowing large sums of money was what, i don't know.

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Looking at the Greeks, I can't help but think that their political class are completely stabbing their own countrymen in the back.


While the average greek is facing ruin, and their lives being destroyed, there political masters are enjoying financial rewards from the EU, that gives them money that is beyond their wildest dreams, so its hardly suprising that their Euro MPs are so against coming out of the EU.


But what would you do if you were in there situation?


Just imagine, in return for more money than you can dream off you are given a job that gives you so much money and expenses, you can now afford


  • To travel anywhere in a private jet or helicopter
  • To afford 5 star luxury, which you can claim as expenses
  • TO be able to purchase any car, regardless of price
  • TO be able to afford housing, regardless of price
  • Your children get private school education, access to the best universitys and best life chances
  • Money is not an object - in fact you cannot spend it fast enough

You are given this financial reward in return for a job


BUT...........there is a catch


You have to approve the policys that will completely destroy the lives of your countrymen and their lives will become a living hell, and you have to support without question, the policys that are suggested.


We are not talking about killing people, more imposing rules that make the lives of these people (your countrymen) almost impossible.


Could you do it - could you accept this job?


Provided the people (the countrymen) do not rise up and start a civil war/major unrest, then you will enjoy the good life, but then you have to hope they never rise up and take action.

them tories get everywhere :hihi:
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