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Can anyone remember carving Swedes at Halloween/Samhain

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No it wasn't.


If I remember rightly from my days as a lad in Barnsley, Mischief night was the day before bonfire night - but that might just have been us


We carved turnips (as we called them) - dad grew them & complained when we used them as lanterns, but mum used the bits we carved out for stew (or sunday dinner) - they were tough as old boots - or maybe we just had blunt spoons


They looked good on the bonfire though

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Mischief Night round our way (East Yorks) was the night before Bonfire night, I'm sure.


Turnip lanterns always seemed like a great idea, we couldn't wait to do them, but soon got tired of digging with a blunt spoon. Mum or Dad always had to finish them off. They were tough! Would like to see it as a challenge on Masterchef.


Another vote for turnips being of the big, orange variety. But if we call a swede a turnip, what's are the little, white ones called?

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