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At Last Some Sense In The Drugs Debate..

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They want to see all and sundry high as kites.

Nope, not at all.

They're so naive they think that everyone will take drugs sensibly which is a contradiction as these drugs they want legalising take you senses away.

Nope, not at all.


But don't let the facts get in the way of your opinion.

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When the first person is arrested for causing death by driving due the driver being high on legalised drugs it would only be poetic justice that it should happen to be a pro druggie who is the victim



It's already illegal to drive under the influence, that won't change.

People still do it, they still kill people and they are still put away for it, that won't change.

You support the legal use of alcohol, does that mean it would be poetic justice for you to be hit by a drink driver, I don't think so, because supporting the right to use something doesn't mean supporting the right to drive whilst using it.

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It will, more people will do it judging by the pro junkie sados on here who need a fix to get on with their lives.


Assuming that you don't mean it will become legal to drive under the influence, as that would just be a really stupid assertion, I'll reply as if you said "more people will use drugs" which is what you might mean.

As is usual all the evidence points to the opposite. But the evidence isn't of much interest to you, right?

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No not really, it's more that those who aren't very clever don't really understand what the statistics could tell them.

With drug use it's pretty damn clear though. Even you should understand this;


Legalised drug use sees a fall in the amount of drug use.

Legalised drug use sees a massive fall in associated crime (that's associated, not the crime of possessing or supplying drugs which obviously also see a 100% fall).


It's not complicated, it's not manipulated, it is pretty obvious that it would work like that. But there's that difficult word 'illegal' that you can't get over...

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Anyone can make staistics show what they want them to show.


The whole idea is to cut the number of drug addicts, crime rates and all the related costs. Its not at all to do with giving in to "druggies" its about the financial benefits to society as a whole, reducing crime and helping the addicts to replace their current chaotic lives with a more productive one.


It would be a massive benefit to society if all the drug addicts were given heroin etc on prescription. There'd be no crime and no dealers and no massive cost to the NHS of all the related health problems.


Are you more concerned with punishing people who you see as inferior or looking at ways to resolve the problem? The current situation is no good for users or society in general.

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Anyone can make staistics show what they want them to show.


Amazing considering you haven't put one statistic forward. That applies not only to this thread but ALL the threads you participate in..I was going to use "contribute" but that would be a stretch of the imagination.


Thought I'd embolden "ALL" just to make you comfy. :hihi:

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