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School trips and sleeping arrangements

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hi, when my kids were aged 12 and 14 , a boy and girl, and had sleepovers at home my son, 12 would drag the double sofa bed out and him and 2 mates would sleep together on it, and my daughter 14, would share her bed with 2 or 3 other girls, wots the problem? they are kids, and having a fun night with there mates, all innocent, and if they had gone on school trip and had to share, it would probably be more fun for them as kids.

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I can't see an issue here.


I think parents imagine scenarios because every little event is so graphically reported now.

It's only inappropriate because you see boys together in a bed and the thought itself repels. They're kids on holiday for pity sake. Would it be as worrying if girls were paired up at bedtime?

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I have to say that this does seem odd. I have never heard of a school trip where the kids share a bed, rooms and dorms, of course and that you would expect. I think that the school should have informed parents. I'm also amazed that in this day and age when we're not even allowed to take pictures of our own kiddies in school performambces :roll: that health and safety and child protection would allow such a thing.

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ooh by the way i do think its alright at sleep overs and relations houses etc.. but the school trip is different and if the school didn't have adequate space for the kids to sleep separately in shared rooms but individual beds then i don't think the trip was organised well enough. Ofsted would not approve it!


Why is it ok at sleep overs? is this not the same? the kids are 11 years old, not 15, if this carries on about school trips and parents get upset at this !!! which is nothing, then no kids what ever age should be even allowed to share beds at home or relations, :huh:

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Overreacting I think. When I was about 12 or 13 we were on a trip and some rooms were family type ones so some of us shared the double beds. It was just the way the hotel was laid out, couldn't be helped and was never worthy of a mention until now when I just remembered it!

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