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Men that abandon their children..

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IMO there's a huge difference between a parent taking no interest in a child they have left, and one who wants to be involved but is prevented by the other parent?


Neither is a great situation for any child, although a child brought up by one loving parent often doesn't need anything more, especially if there is a good support circle, like grandparents, and other family and friends.


Parents who slag off the other one to the children are only building problems for the future IMO. Children remember and if they develop a relationship in adulthood with the missing parent, they may find that they have a completely false picture. They could then resent the parent who brought them up for lying to them. Better to let them make up their own minds.

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Parents who slag off the other one to the children are only building problems for the future IMO.


Couldn't agree more. I'm slowly watching my (teenagers) coming round to realise i'm not the bad bad man they thought I was.

The worm turns ;)

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a lot of people are saying my mum may have not told me the whole truth, that might be, but 4 messages later and no reply tells me that what she has said is true because he is making no effort to deffend himself is he!


as for it takes 2 to tango, i was planned! mum and him was getting married, he is just a sad little man who couldnt accept responsability when the time arrived!


i hoped he would send me a message to say sorry but it wasnt like how ive been told at all, this is how it was blah blah blah....

but he hasnt even got the balls to admit what he did was wrong.


i know all men are not like this, my husband took my eldest on as his own, they are very close and im very proud of both of them, and i know 100% that no matter what happens to our marriage along the lines, my husband would fight tooth and nail for our children, never would he just walk away, not a chance.

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Have you ever spoke to him? Do you know he is definitely your Dad? Does he know he is definitely your Dad?


i have never spoke to him no, but i know he is the right man, he still lives at the same address as he did when mum met him, plus i showed mum photos of him off facebook and she confirmed he is deffently the man in question


and he knows im his daughter, his daughter and i look like twins, infact when i showed my husband his daughters photo off facebook he thought it was me!

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i have never spoke to him no, but i know he is the right man, he still lives at the same address as he did when mum met him, plus i showed mum photos of him off facebook and she confirmed he is deffently the man in question


and he knows im his daughter, his daughter and i look like twins, infact when i showed my husband his daughters photo off facebook he thought it was me!


I'm not trying to have a go at you here or stick up for him, although I can see it probably looks like that.


From what you've been saying then it does seem like he is indeed a waste of space. It would be good though if you could even have one chat with him, even if that chat just confirmed what you think of him, at least you would know for definite then. Have you ever thought about going to visit him face to face to get some answers?

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