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Scrap men in pick ups

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do scrap men in pick ups need any sort of licence to carry the scrap and if they do are they checked


They need a Waste Carrier's licsense. The authorities have been seriously cracking down on them recently. On certain days there are checkpoints near Don Valley Stadium. The police make vans follow them down there, then every possible legal reauirement is checked by officials from VOSA, Dept of Environment, the police and even social security to check they aren't on benefits.


I found this hard to believe at first, but I have been told it by three different drivers now. The people I know who collect scrap are sound, but unfortunately because some of the others are thieving rats, they tend to all get tarred with the same brush.

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All itinerant scrapmen are decent, registered people, who are well established men in the area in which they operate.

Next time your train is held up by signal failure, remember these fine men, who travel the country collecting your scrap metal.

They even go on the railways to remove it from the trackside, so as to save others the trouble.

Over hill and Dale they go, to help others.

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Slightly off topic, but I wonder why you never see any "scrapwomen"? They protest that there aren't enough women MPs, executives etc, but I've never heard of a campaign for more scrapwomen -or for binwomen and roadworkers, for that matter.

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Slightly off topic, but I wonder why you never see any "scrapwomen"? They protest that there aren't enough women MPs, executives etc, but I've never heard of a campaign for more scrapwomen -or for binwomen and roadworkers, for that matter.




Simple answer is that the work is too heavy for most women, fact :)


However, when we lived in leeds/roundhay, we recall a gipsy lady and 12/14 year old son doing the odd rounds our way and picked up our old metal gates and the old RSJ that were removed from our large detached home when it was being remodelled. The lady looked a bit like Lisa from Emmerdale, she was very polite.

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