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Work place Bullies

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If you wish, please share your first or second hand work place bullying situs and how these were dealt with.


Please do not name the org or the person/s!!!


We are about to go out for the third time today and will repost when back.


We are usually able to handle people, but even we get caught out, eg a recent thread for help. in our experience, even when one beleives they are prepared the bully will attack. They are usally shameless as well, ie makes no diff to him/her what people really think of them, they brush it off asap.





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If you wish, please share your first or second hand work place bullying situs and how these were dealt with.


Please do not name the org or the person/s!!!


We are about to go out for the third time today and will repost when back.


We are usually able to handle people, but even we get caught out, eg a recent thread for help. in our experience, even when one beleives they are prepared the bully will attack. They are usally shameless as well, ie makes no diff to him/her what people really think of them, they brush it off asap.






Much workplace bullying is all about the alleged victims perception. I've worked in my current employment for the last 8 years and have not experienced any bullying from collegues on the same level. Though, I have experienced staff in temporary senior roles where the power has gone to their heads. Other than that,my fellow team members are a great bunch of people to spend the majority of the week with.


There is a strong sense of comeradery and we are all stark raving mad, so amongst dealing with a stressful job, we take the micky out of each other. The difference being is we all give as good as we get, and don't get all upset when the tables are turned on us. Thats what working in a good teams all about, being able to get on with each other.


However, most workplaces are now turning PC (politically correct) and there are a few overly sensitive people around who have trouble integrating. This leads to them viewing the banter as bullying and PC managers over reacting.


In my view, work place banter is not bullying as long as everyone gets a turn to give and take. Bullying is more when they can't or if the perpetraitor is threatening acts of violence.


I have experienced bullying myself where the perpitrator couldn't take a joke back. The day I did make him look a big C infront of the other colleagues he was threatening me with voilence. Now they are real bullies.


Though's of you who feel bullied because you have no sense of humour and overly sensitive. Go buy one from lidil and take the pss back out of your workmates. Just stay away from such subjects as age, weight, race, religion, sexuality etc. Leave that to the working mens club comedians. They get paid to do it, where'as you could loose your job trying lol.

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In my view, work place banter is not bullying as long as everyone gets a turn to give and take. Bullying is more when they can't or if the perpetraitor is threatening acts of violence.






We thank you for your response. Re the above comments, some may not want to take a "turn,T fact!!! 'Bullying can be hitting, threats of vilolence, intimidation and underming, telling lies about people/eyc/etc.





I have experienced such people who constantly alianate just one member of the team (yes me in a former employment). No sooner as I make the look a big daft letter C, they are threatening to knock 7 bells of dark brown bodley fluid from my person. Now they are real bullies.


Yes, but there are other types of bullying as we have stated above. Physoclallgical bully is just as bad if not worse at times. We had a colleagfue, we were very young like them at the time, he got bullied, we were friends but did not give him as much support as we would now, the bloke took of time sick and constant stomach probs and ibs, we later learnt he had a nervous breakdown. When we move, we lost touch with the bloke.




Though's of you who feel bullied because you have no sense of humour and overly sensitive. Go buy one from lidil and take the **** back out of your workmates. Just stay away from such subjects as age, weight, race, religion, sexuality etc. Leave that to the working mens club comedians. They get paid to do it, where'as you could loose your job trying lol.


But it takes assertiveness and other skills, but it depends on who you are dealing with, eg one person or a pack of wloves. The bullies at our place is an old bag, constantly underming us and making sly reports but not making it official. The old bag has a very good way with words, it sed to be a manager we have learnt but could not hack it.


Anyways, thanssk

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If you wish, please share your first or second hand work place bullying situs and how these were dealt with.


Please do not name the org or the person/s!!!


We are about to go out for the third time today and will repost when back.


We are usually able to handle people, but even we get caught out, eg a recent thread for help. in our experience, even when one beleives they are prepared the bully will attack. They are usally shameless as well, ie makes no diff to him/her what people really think of them, they brush it off asap.







Aw bless! You need a forum hug.

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Though's of you who feel bullied because you have no sense of humour and overly sensitive. Go buy one from lidil and take the **** back out of your workmates. Just stay away from such subjects as age, weight, race, religion, sexuality etc. Leave that to the working mens club comedians. They get paid to do it, where'as you could loose your job trying lol.


Easy to say if you haven't been bullied in the workplace. Yes some people are overly sensitive but that is not the same as being bullied. It's the same as when you were at school. Some people would always be picked on for being different or being the easy target. This often continues into adulthood and there's no excuse for it.


I was unfortunate enough to be bullied in my last job. It was a small group of women and it made my life hell until I left after starting to suffer panic attacks when I went to work. I won't go into everything that happened other than my confidence has still been affected today and I'm always wary of starting a new job.


I think people who are bullies as children continue to be bullies as adults and from reading other stories of workplace bullying the school ground cruelty seems to continue into the workplace.

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Easy to say if you haven't been bullied in the workplace. Yes some people are overly sensitive but that is not the same as being bullied. It's the same as when you were at school. Some people would always be picked on for being different or being the easy target. This often continues into adulthood and there's no excuse for it.


I was unfortunate enough to be bullied in my last job. It was a small group of women and it made my life hell until I left after starting to suffer panic attacks when I went to work. I won't go into everything that happened other than my confidence has still been affected today and I'm always wary of starting a new job.


I think people who are bullies as children continue to be bullies as adults and from reading other stories of workplace bullying the school ground cruelty seems to continue into the workplace.



Hi V


Seriously, we can connect 100% with your post.


A joke is only a joke when the one it is aimed at sees it as a joke.


At times people laugh with you or what you have done, they may sisncerely find funny and one accepts that. bullies laugh at people and on the whole are opportunists that wait for the kill. The old bag we refer to is like that.


you are spot on that it can affect ones life for a long time afterwards



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Much workplace bullying is all about the alleged victims perception. I've worked in my current employment for the last 8 years and have not experienced any bullying from collegues on the same level. Though, I have experienced staff in temporary senior roles where the power has gone to their heads. Other than that,my fellow team members are a great bunch of people to spend the majority of the week with.


There is a strong sense of comeradery and we are all stark raving mad, so amongst dealing with a stressful job, we take the micky out of each other. The difference being is we all give as good as we get, and don't get all upset when the tables are turned on us. Thats what working in a good teams all about, being able to get on with each other.


However, most workplaces are now turning PC (politically correct) and there are a few overly sensitive people around who have trouble integrating. This leads to them viewing the banter as bullying and PC managers over reacting.


In my view, work place banter is not bullying as long as everyone gets a turn to give and take. Bullying is more when they can't or if the perpetraitor is threatening acts of violence.


I have experienced such people who constantly alianate just one member of the team (yes me in a former employment). No sooner as I make the look a big daft letter C, they are threatening to knock 7 bells of dark brown bodley fluid from my person. Now they are real bullies.


Though's of you who feel bullied because you have no sense of humour and overly sensitive. Go buy one from lidil and take the **** back out of your workmates. Just stay away from such subjects as age, weight, race, religion, sexuality etc. Leave that to the working mens club comedians. They get paid to do it, where'as you could loose your job trying lol.


This post comes across like a work place bully in denial, has it not occurred to you that if people are leaving the work place and threatening to knock 7 bells out of you that perhaps your banter is going a bit too far?


Perhaps it's the perception of you and your mates that needs the reassessment, in my experience people don't give up their jobs or threaten violence without good reason.

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LeDeville is pretty much spot on in this thread.

Bullying is a strange thing, espescially in the workplace.

We associate bullying with the strong dominating the weak, as in the playground.

But in the workplace it is different.

It is normally done by weak, sly, toads who have crept into the senior peoples trust by grassing and being generally a person the type you would step over if you saw them dying.

They then become, as it were, an inverted bully.

Every word and comment is reported, with advantages to the reportee, and disadvantage to the victim, who knows nothing of it.

This drip, drip continues until the unsuspecting victim is undermined.


This, of course can only continue where poor, bullying, management (in the real sense) exists.

I know of one massive company where this exists today.

And thrives.

I am of the opinion that not one senior manger has ever had any man management training, either self educated, or in the classroom.

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Many thanks to all.

some very sensible comments based on factual knowldge!!!


We have just returned home, have read the comments and agree with most.


Worried re work on Monday as we fear how we will deal with one of the bullies. We are luck that we have two that we trust and can lighten the burden and they usually tell us not to beat the s out of the bully as that is not just us, plus it will not look good and may end up in court.


But thanks again and enjoy your evening.


A Chivas Regal to all



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