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Work place Bullies

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LeDeville is pretty much spot on in this thread.

Bullying is a strange thing, espescially in the workplace.

We associate bullying with the strong dominating the weak, as in the playground.

But in the workplace it is different.

It is normally done by weak, sly, toads who have crept into the senior peoples trust by grassing and being generally a person the type you would step over if you saw them dying.

They then become, as it were, an inverted bully.

Every word and comment is reported, with advantages to the reportee, and disadvantage to the victim, who knows nothing of it.

This drip, drip continues until the unsuspecting victim is undermined.


This, of course can only continue where poor, bullying, management (in the real sense) exists.

I know of one massive company where this exists today.

And thrives.

I am of the opinion that not one senior manger has ever had any man management training, either self educated, or in the classroom.


Absolutely spot on! I ended up leaving a job I really liked, which I was very good at due to some very underhand, sneaky, undermining behaviour from my line manager. I'm not easily ground down, I cannot afford to be in my line of work, but this horrendous woman, singled me out (pointed out initially by various members of staff) gave me an unmanageable work load, nit picked over my time sheets, blatantly called me a liar, even though I had proof and facts.


I was not the first member of staff to leave due to this woman, but nothing is ever done about her, she is in a well paid job, no relevant qualifications and little previous experience and would struggle to gain similar employment elsewhere, appauling people skills, in a job which supports vulnerable people.


I was a shell of my former self when I eventually realised I had to leave or be sectioned, took me a long time to rebuild my confidence. Bullies are the scum of the workforce.:rant:

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This post comes across like a work place bully in denial, has it not occurred to you that if people are leaving the work place and threatening to knock 7 bells out of you that perhaps your banter is going a bit too far?


Perhaps it's the perception of you and your mates that needs the reassessment, in my experience people don't give up their jobs or threaten violence without good reason.


I'd agree with that. Everybody's different. If someone is sensitive, doesn't enjoy banter and doesn't have a sense of humour then this isnt the green light to bully them. To claim someone is too sensitive to the banter, is bullying, if they're segregated because of this.


Good equal opportunities is treating everybody differently, not the same..

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Some really good posts here.


if some feels they are being bullied, that is real enough for them, fact!


Some bullies will use "perception" as their defecne, eg, 'I was talking generally about losing weight, not amide at ??? and if he/she took offence, I'm sorry, but it was their misunderstanding."


A typical bully will pick on different epole for different people and many in the office, work place will pretend to be their friends and laugh along with their hurtful remarks which are aimed at the victim/s. Those that laugh with the bullly when they are making the life misearble of the victim are no better than the bully, fact.

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This post comes across like a work place bully in denial, has it not occurred to you that if people are leaving the work place and threatening to knock 7 bells out of you that perhaps your banter is going a bit too far?


Perhaps it's the perception of you and your mates that needs the reassessment, in my experience people don't give up their jobs or threaten violence without good reason.


You've got the wrong end of the stick. That person was bullying me. I gave him a taste of his own medicine back and made him look a C and then he threatened me.

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I'd agree with that. Everybody's different. If someone is sensitive, doesn't enjoy banter and doesn't have a sense of humour then this isnt the green light to bully them. To claim someone is too sensitive to the banter, is bullying, if they're segregated because of this.


Good equal opportunities is treating everybody differently, not the same..


Some people are just more equal than others.

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