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Occupy London - Occupy Protests go global!

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What is their solution to problems they are protesting against ?


I guess that they'd like the elected Governments to provide for their futures, rather than propping up a broken and discredited financial system for the benefit of a few.


That would be a start.


Don't you think that the young have a right to be angry at the moment?

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They will be even angrier in the future when you expect your civil service pension paying every month.


Not if they manage to get a Tobin Tax sorted. Then there will be plenty to go round.


And my pension isn't a civil service one.


It also pays for itself.

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What is their solution to problems they are protesting against ?


Unfortunately this will not be an organised, Trotsky style transition of power upward to Utopia.

The time for such luxuries are past.

The footings are undermined, the whole thing is about to fall.

Dont hold your breath, it will not be yet, but when it does go it will be bad.


All our hopes and ambitions, aspirations and longings will be dashed.


If only we had fought harder back in the day to rid of us this evil capitalist monster, but now it is too late.

It has devoured us and now we must die along with it.


I feel guilt for having fallen into the capitalist line, but so did many millions of more, so I am not alone. Even if the complete Fourth International were to come today, it would be too late.

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What is their solution to problems they are protesting against ?


We need sound money. We need production.


Not the evils of usury, rent and excessive profits.


Multinational bank runs have begun. Wave goodbye to your savings as they are printed to oblivion.

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