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Occupy London - Occupy Protests go global!

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Are tinfoil hats provided or do people have to bring their own?


Oh and "if there are too many of us for Wetherspoons"????? You won't attract enough people to fill one of Wetherspoon's toilet cubicles!


Does everything that attempts to challenge the status quo constitute an irrational conspiracy theory in your eyes or something?


You know if it wasn't for those "nutty left wing conspiracy thoerists" in the 60s and 70s, programs like CointelPro might never have been exposed.

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It's the way it's always been and probably always will be.


Some people earn more than you. Some people earn a lot more than you.

Some people earn less than you. Some people earn a lot less than you.


You can get jealous and angry and have a bit of a public tantrum (as these protestors are doing) that will achieve no purpose. Or you can just accept things the way they are and stop worrying about it.

I've chosen the second option and am perfectly happy with my life within a capitalist society. What about you?


What you have chosen, by your own admission, is to remain totally uninformed about rapidly changing global events, whilst at the same time implying that this ignorance is born of wisdom and therefore adds weight to your utterances.

just accept things the way they are


There are compelling arguments for the view that we should just accept things the way they are and make the most of life.


But you aren't doing that.


If you were doing that, you would not be on this thread inventing demeaning allegations about the motivations of people whose politics you clearly disapprove of, whilst at the same time striking the laughable pose that you are 'accepting things the way they are' in an apparent attempt to justify your self confessed ignorance.


You don't seem to be so 'accepting of things the way they are' when it comes to other people wanting to resist the errosion of the rights which many of our ancestors paid for with their own blood.

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I work next to St Paul's so have had the pleasure of this circus outside our office for the last week.


I would have slightly more sympathy for an anti-capitalist/anti-bank protest if I didn't keep seeing them in Tescos and Starbucks paying for items with their Visa cards.

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I work next to St Paul's so have had the pleasure of this circus outside our office for the last week.


I would have slightly more sympathy for an anti-capitalist/anti-bank protest if I didn't keep seeing them in Tescos and Starbucks paying for items with their Visa cards.




The more obvious reaction would be to be reassured that what they are protesting is not so radical they will leave the rest of the 99% behind.

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I work next to St Paul's so have had the pleasure of this circus outside our office for the last week.


I would have slightly more sympathy for an anti-capitalist/anti-bank protest if I didn't keep seeing them in Tescos and Starbucks paying for items with their Visa cards.


At least the 'circus' outside St Paul's is a public one unlike the political circus that allows the greedy to prevent creativity, intelligent use of OUR planet's resources and true progression in all aspects of our lives.


This argument about where people shop, and how they supposedly support these institutions, is growing old fast. As the new scientist link originally posted by Donkey suggests it is not so easy to shop ethically. Perhaps all of us who the see the obvious flaws in the current system should live in these self sustaining communes, but then - as previously stated, we would still be subject to fees for planning applications and council tax. There are increasingly fewer and fewer opportunities to truly opt out.


Capitalism does not just inhibit fairness in terms of wealth distribution, more importantly in stifles science. unless of course that particular area of research has profit as clear part of it's conclusion.

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I work next to St Paul's so have had the pleasure of this circus outside our office for the last week.


I would have slightly more sympathy for an anti-capitalist/anti-bank protest if I didn't keep seeing them in Tescos and Starbucks paying for items with their Visa cards.


You are jesting here are you not?


What should they be doing?

Bartering with dead chickens and turnips?


In case it had escaped your attention, the problem is not using money.

The problem is the capitalist system.


A study of the system is recommended for you.

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