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Occupy London - Occupy Protests go global!

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I'm not so sure. There is the whiff of change in the air.


I'm not sure that I fancy it myself, but maybe we are about to see a political shift. Capitalism as we know it has failed. The market is no longer deciding anything. The question is: Can we replace it with a better system?


Correctamundo sibon, In years to come I'll tell my kids about the failed cult of Friedman and Hayek.

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They will be even angrier in the future when you expect your civil service pension paying every month.


Pensions and pay and the status quo ( they have gone on for as long as I can remember any way) will continue for a long while, seeing some of us out I think.

But the End, as they say, Is Nigh.


But it wont recover this time.

The mistake was the disestablishment of the USSR.

They then became truely International and the balance was lost.

Since then it has been spinning out of control.

All attempts to find a balance, eg Arabs, Taliban, etc have been too weak, against such a massive lost balance as that of the Soviet Union.


It is now in a whirling curve to explosive destruction.

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But who ?

Any other party is crucified and discredited.

I hoped the Lib Dems would have been able to change things if they had gained sole power in the last election.


Sadly, the Lib Dems turned out to be Tories after all.


We need a system that doesn't allow the biggest and strongest to hoover up all the resources and keep them.


At the moment, those with the wealth make the rules. It is little surprise, therefore that they make rules in their own favour. Allowing a few crumbs to fall from the table, to placate the rest of us.


Somehow, we need politicians with the will to tackle the massive institutions and prevent them from concentrating wealth in a few hands. I was going to use the "r" word, but I don't want to frighten the Tories. Something has to change though.

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Sadly, the Lib Dems turned out to be Tories after all.


We need a system that doesn't allow the biggest and strongest to hoover up all the resources and keep them.


At the moment, those with the wealth make the rules. It is little surprise, therefore that they make rules in their own favour. Allowing a few crumbs to fall from the table, to placate the rest of us.


Somehow, we need politicians with the will to tackle the massive institutions and prevent them from concentrating wealth in a few hands. I was going to use the "r" word, but I don't want to frighten the Tories. Something has to change though.

The rich will always have the power and influence unless there is a revolution which will never happen in this country.

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Is it because you don't like them?


no i dont like tem and what they stand for...which is a something for nothing society and they expect everything as a right...without ever putting anything in, most are rent a mob anyway, who would protest at the opening of an envelope if it was addressed to a banker:loopy:

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no because most of the rent a mob have never contributed in the first place.


This rent a mob, of which you speak.

Who is renting them, in your opinion?


I can understand rent-a-mob on behalf of the governing body, as we see in most dicatatorships, defending the government line. Where they home in time for tea.


But a rent a mob to be smashed by policemen and riot squads, along with the kettling and general hospitalisation,

I, for one, cannot see anyone taking that as gainful employment.

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