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Occupy London - Occupy Protests go global!

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ha ha i tell you this what a loser!!!! sounds like a union leader from the 70,s you wernt someone named SCARGILL in former life eh?

its about time the employer got the upper hand and able to make the profits to pay the workers and we will not be constained by legislation if this country wants to get back on its feet, fair wages & employment will be set by the market forces.


The masters is good to us. They lets us lick their spittle!

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I will tell you this.

Employers are trying to turn the clock back at least 100 years.

Those of you employed in the private sector are most at risk.

You must Unionise urgently

Those of us in the public sector must not listen to siren songs of joining the new contracts of the PFI or whatever they present you with...................... <snip>

Give us a shout when you're ready to join us,

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There is a very simple way to slow down the capitalists but for some reason the children gobbing off on the streets and getting in the way never seem to consider it.


Simply stop the masses from using their corporate darlings.


Its all well and good claiming to be a "protestor" but you defeat the point if you continue to pop into tesco on your way home, have a bank account with any of the major banks, eat food from any chain restaurant or bar buy goods from shops like Primark and New Look.........which many many still do.


The fact is nobody wants to use Mr Joes food store and Mama and Papa's pizza shop because they are too expensive or not as convenient or not the same quality or not open when they need it as oppose Tesco, Mcdonalds / Pizza Hut, Primark, Barclays, HBOS etc.... If the masses want to support the man on the street as they claim why are so many small businesses struggling?


So many people claim to be anti capitalists but if you really ask them where they shop or which services they use you would probably find it was one of the conglomorates. If it is, that brings their whole 'argument' crashing down.


Until enough people actually have the guts to hit them where it hurts i.e. their pockets and only use local businesses and locally run shops and services all this protesting is just pointless hot air and occasional damage to the very shops they are trying to protect.

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What sort of wages would the market decide for the executives of the RBS group?


Or Northern Rock?


And what wage are they actually getting?


If the market could decide, that would be fine. It looks like those days are gone.

i actually think they should have had no wages and both those banks should have been allowed to collapse or should have been nationalised, but no the then labour gov were too scared to do anything apart from bail them out to appease savers and investors.

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i actually think they should have had no wages and both those banks should have been allowed to collapse or should have been nationalised, but no the then labour gov were too scared to do anything apart from bail them out to appease savers and investors.
Errrr!..wrong! the Labour gov were too scared (and doing too well out of it,) to regulate the masses that took out mortgages by people mostly on pi$$poor wages that in turn inflated the prop market to the huge bubble prices we have today!

The Bankers just fed the hungry masses!We are mostly all complicite in this countries woes.The "greed" and the "property ladder"syndrome,just fed those huge bankers bonus rewards!

The UK full stop is massively overvalued!......expect change! but the kids marching on the street, will make little difference,they are well fed and have little idea of how well off they are!..............in fact most,have no idea.

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Errrr!..wrong! the Labour gov were too scared (and doing too well out of it,) to regulate the masses that took out mortgages by people mostly on pi$$poor wages that in turn inflated the prop market to the huge bubble prices we have today!

The Bankers just fed the hungry masses!We are mostly all complicite in this countries woes.The "greed" and the "property ladder"syndrome,just fed those huge bankers bonus rewards!

The UK full stop is massively overvalued!......expect change! but the kids marching on the street, will make little difference,they are well fed and have little idea of how well off they are!..............in fact most,have no idea.

broadly agree with that also

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Here are a couple of pictures of the protests which I took on my lunch break:




All seemed good natured. Although the policing was low key, there were lots of police in vans on the side streets around the cathedral. Apparently they may be there til Christmas, although given how windy it is tonight I'm not so sure!

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