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Occupy London - Occupy Protests go global!

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You need to watch the news. There are demonstrations in 82 countries. This is a worldwide movement.


Its called the human awakening many of us have stated that it would come and now it here.



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There is a very simple way to slow down the capitalists but for some reason the children gobbing off on the streets and getting in the way never seem to consider it.


Simply stop the masses from using their corporate darlings.


Its all well and good claiming to be a "protestor" but you defeat the point if you continue to pop into tesco on your way home, have a bank account with any of the major banks, eat food from any chain restaurant or bar buy goods from shops like Primark and New Look.........which many many still do.


The fact is nobody wants to use Mr Joes food store and Mama and Papa's pizza shop because they are too expensive or not as convenient or not the same quality or not open when they need it as oppose Tesco, Mcdonalds / Pizza Hut, Primark, Barclays, HBOS etc.... If the masses want to support the man on the street as they claim why are so many small businesses struggling?


So many people claim to be anti capitalists but if you really ask them where they shop or which services they use you would probably find it was one of the conglomorates. If it is, that brings their whole 'argument' crashing down.


Until enough people actually have the guts to hit them where it hurts i.e. their pockets and only use local businesses and locally run shops and services all this protesting is just pointless hot air and occasional damage to the very shops they are trying to protect.


This is the most sensible thing I've read on the subject, I was watching the "demonstration" on TV yesterday and was thinking "what are they actually achieving ?" the only way to get bussiness to listen is to stop using them, until then you could burn babies in the street and they won't give a toss.

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a lot of the demonstrators aren't really anti-capitalist at all. There was some American guy interviewed on the radio that basically said, 'I have come here but I'm not some sort of communist like some of them. I only agree with them a little bit. I've no problem with greed or capitalism or some people making more than others. I just think the sytem needs to be managed better'.


most are basically like that.

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