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Occupy London - Occupy Protests go global!

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Okay let me give an example of the self destructing capitalist world.

Lets use medical research. One amazing scientist works for a pharmaceutical company in the west and another equally brilliant scientist works for another in the far east. Both working on the same project but have only managed to solve one half of the puzzle each. Due to the absurd pursuit for profit over progression neither share their knowledge! So who suffers? All of us.

There is another way and Jacque Fresco has been promoting it for years. Ask yourself why you have never heard of him. I think you will find the answer is because his idea's will enrich us all, not just the weak minded few who are scared of the inevitable change the evolution brings. Science is what makes our species top of the food chain. Please wake up!!!

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@ Bulgarian/ecconoob.I agree with you almost completely, the problem is that we exist in this paradox. Most of cannot afford to shop/live ethically, at least not practically anyway. It seems this practice is pretty much a luxury that most can't afford. Education is the most effective way to empower us to demand change, and even if the majority of protesters are a little misguided in their solution, at least it sparks the discussion. Please look on youtube at the jacques fresco interview in 1974, this genius of a man has had solution for a long time.

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Its called the human awakening many of us have stated that it would come and now it here.



the great unwashed will rise up ...and then sleep until the next fashionable protest yaaawwwn!

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This is the most sensible thing I've read on the subject, I was watching the "demonstration" on TV yesterday and was thinking "what are they actually achieving ?" the only way to get bussiness to listen is to stop using them, until then you could burn babies in the street and they won't give a toss.

a very sensible view but it will never happen because humans are basically lazy and like the prices, choice and convenience that corporate business brings.

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@ Bulgarian/ecconoob.I agree with you almost completely, the problem is that we exist in this paradox. Most of cannot afford to shop/live ethically, at least not practically anyway. It seems this practice is pretty much a luxury that most can't afford.


I don't think you have to totaly change your entire life, like you said that can cost more and be unworkable, just buy some of your shopping from an independant shop, save-up instead of having a credit card, buy the odd fairtrade item, go without that Starbucks/McDonalds today, put your money in a more ethical bank, that kind of stuff.


If enough people make a small change it will effect the big companies.

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Its called the human awakening many of us have stated that it would come and now it here.




Go and read some books or watch some documentaries about the political upheavals in the US during the sixties, then see if you still think what you are seeing is the start of some great leap forward.


I predict what will happen is that the movement will get bigger, and if/when it gets to the stage of being a potentially serious threat, sections of the media and politicians will begin to asked questions about defined aims or a manifesto.


A hundred different factions will say a hundred different things. The propagandists will pick out the most extreme and unrealistic views, and make them headline news. They will find publicity loving loud mouths and eccentrics, and present them up as spokespersons for the movement. They will select those who say just the kind of things which will alarm people. They will be efficiently manipulated to stir up public prejudices and fears, and the protestors will be increasingly presented as lunatics and extremists.


If any effective leaders emerge, they will be asked if they condemn the pronouncements of the loonies who have been built up as spokespersons by the media. If they won't condemn them, it will be construed they support their ideas. If they condemn them, the movement will have been successfully split.


The external pressure to present a consistent and coherent manifesto will lead to internal fractures and recriminations anyway, as different factions try to push their ideas to the fore. The majority of reasonable people with justiable demands will be pushed into the background, and the various meglomaniacs and fanatics will play up to their media appointed roles as the spokespersons and backbone of the movement.

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Go and read some books or watch some documentaries about the political upheavals in the US during the sixties, then see if you still think what you are seeing is the start of some great leap forward.


I predict what will happen is that the movement will get bigger, and if/when it gets to the stage of being a potentially serious threat, sections of the media and politicians will begin to asked questions about defined aims or a manifesto.


A hundred different factions will say a hundred different things. The propagandists will pick out the most extreme and unrealistic views, and make them headline news. They will find publicity loving loud mouths and eccentrics, and present them up as spokespersons for the movement. They will select those who say just the kind of things which will alarm people. They will be efficiently manipulated to stir up public prejudices and fears, and the protestors will be increasingly presented as lunatics and extremists.


If any effective leaders emerge, they will be asked if they condemn the pronouncements of the loonies who have been built up as spokespersons by the media. If they won't condemn them, it will be construed they support their ideas. If they condemn them, the movement will have been successfully split.


The external pressure to present a consistent and coherent manifesto will lead to internal fractures and recriminations anyway, as different factions try to push their ideas to the fore. The majority of reasonable people with justiable demands will be pushed into the background, and the various meglomaniacs and fanatics will play up to their media appointed roles as the spokespersons and backbone of the movement.


Since when was this revolution just about the americans? Its world wide, its a human wakening we dont want no more **** from the 1%.

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